Norway World Heritage

World Heritage of Norway is introduced. 

※Have been closed down and changed on account of a link place by the information on a link place.

※About an institution without HP, the whereabouts is not clear.

 Urnes Stave Church

UNESCO's list pageHP] (Map


UNESCO's list pageMap

 Roros Mining Town and the Circumference

UNESCO's list pageHP] (Map

 Rock Art of Alta

UNESCO's list pageHP] (Map

 Vegaoyan -- The Vega Archipelago

UNESCO's list pageMap

 Struve Geodetic Arc

UNESCO's list page

Fuglenes (Map) Raipas (Map) Luvdiidcohkka (Map) Baelljasvarri (Map

 West Norwegian Fjords - Geirangerfjord and Naroyfjord

UNESCO's list pageHP] [HP] (Map

※Have been closed down and changed on account of a link place by the information on a link place.

※About an institution without HP, the whereabouts is not clear.




International Airport list in the world
