Titles and abstracts



Sho Ejiri (Tokyo):

On images of weak Fano varieties in positive characteristic.

Kenji Hashimoto (Tokyo):

Counting sections of some special elliptic surfaces.

Kenta Hashizume (Kyoto):

Minimal model theory for relatively trivial log canonical pairs.

Atsushi Kanazawa (Kyoto):

Doran-Harder-Thompson conjecture via SYZ mirror symmetry and Mumford construction.

Yuya Matsumoto (Nagoya):

Degeneration of K3 surfaces and automorphisms.

Yasunari Nagai (Waseda):

Symmetric products of a semistable degeneration of surfaces.

Hirokazu Nasu (Tokai):

Obstructions to deforming curves lying on a K3 surface in a Fano 3-fold​.

Hiroshi Sato (Fukuoka):

A construction of higher-dimensional toric weakened Fano manifolds.

Takahiro Shibata (Kyoto):

On arithmetic degree for automorphisms on Calabi-Yau threefolds.

Roberto Svaldi (Cambridge):

Log birational boundedness of Calabi-Yau pairs.

Luca Tasin (Rome):

On the boundedness of minimal models.

Kiwamu Watanabe (Saitama):

Characterization of rational homogeneous manifolds.

Ziyu Zhang (Hannover):

Holomorphic symplectic manifolds among Bridgeland moduli spaces.