Working Party on Criticality (WPC)
WPC Continuing Professional Development Webinar:
Next webinar: Thursday 19 September, 1pm BST, Some French Thoughts on Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCS), Gregory Caplin, Orano
Links to the slides from WPC CPD webinars can be found on the WPC Webinars page
The webinars are open to anyone with an interest in criticality safety. Contact, or for further details or for an invitation to the webinar series.
Forthcoming Events
19 September 2024 WPC Webinar: Some French Thoughts on Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCS), Gregory Caplin, Orano
17-21 Nov 2024 ANS Winter Meeting , Orlando, USA
4 December 2024 WPC Meeting
5 December 2024 WPC CPD Workshop
13-15 May 2025 ANSWERS Seminar
14-18 Sept 2025 ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Division Topical Meeting, Austin, Texas
Latest News
2023 WPC Workshop - ALARP
Positive feedback has been received from the 70+ attendees who were at the 2023 WPC workshop on 23 November, representing a large proportion of the UK criticality community. The workshops have been running since 2003 and form a core part of the WPC objective of sharing learning within industry.
The topic this year was the application of ALARP, with particular focus on criticality safety and criticality emergency planning. The presentations from the workshop can be found on the WPC workshops page.
Many thanks to Nuclear Transport Solutions who sponsored the event, those involved in its organisation and the presenters.
Revision to WPC Good Practice Guide endorsed by Safety Directors Forum
The following revision was endorsed in November 2023
International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2023)
The International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC 2023) was hosted by JAEA in Sendai, Japan from 1 - 5 October. The conference attracted over 250 participants from around the world with over 30 attending from the UK.
2023 WPC Workshop presenters
Some of the UK attendees at ICNC 2023
Links to Criticality Awareness and Training Resources and WPC Good Practice Guides
Criticality Awareness and Training Resources: Links have been added to a series of videos and other material providing criticality awareness and also more detailed training resources.
Links to WPC Good Practice Guides: Links have been added below (see 'WPC Papers') to give general access to published WPC Good Practice Guides.
Who We Are
The Working Party on Criticality (WPC) is a non-executive UK national committee focussing on criticality safety issues up to, but not including, experimental and in-core power reactor operations. WPC is a formal sub-group of the Safety Directors Forum. The issues considered are relevant to fabrication, transportation, storage and other operations relating to nuclear materials (e.g. new build, enrichment, reprocessing, decommissioning and long-term waste management).
WPC members comprise Nuclear Site Licensees and other organisations with an interest in criticality safety.
WPC has a number of sub-groups to cover specific topic areas. Participation in sub-groups is not restricted to WPC members. Contact for details. Current groups include:
Criticality Assessment of Fissile Wastes
Nuclear Codes and Data
Fault Analysis techniques
Learning from Experience
Criticality Emergency Planning
Transport Criticality assessment
ISO criticality standards development
Criticality Handbooks
Early Careers
UK Criticality Resources
Continuing Professional Development
WPC run an annual workshop to provide opportunities for less experienced practitioners to gain experience on a wide range of technical issues. The workshops also provide an opportunity to improve communication between less experienced members of the criticality community. Participation in workshops is open to all with an interest in criticality safety, not just WPC members.
Since March 2021 WPC has been hosting webinars. These are run as hour long sessions, which enables a main speaker to cover a specific topic of interest and allows time for questions and further discussion. To date, we have had presenters from a variety of UK licensed sites and consultancies, the UK regulating body and a number of international presenters. Typically, there are 50-100 attendees for each webinar from both UK and abroad. Topics covered include Learning From Experience (LFE) for criticality inspections, criticality safety of deep geological disposal and application of criticality ‘hand methods’.
WPC Papers Since the 1970s over 290 WPC papers have produced. These cover a range of topics from:
Meeting reports
Formal WPC position papers
WPC/P243 (Issue 2) The WPC Criticality Competence Framework (note: due for review/ revision in 2022)
WPC/P267 WPC Position on the Double Contingency Principle (Issue 2)
Sub-group reports
Technical papers contributed by members to document their activities for future reference.
Good Practice Guides. Contact for details.
What is Criticality Safety?
For a brief introduction to what criticality safety is all about see the following: What is Criticality Safety?