The Complete Manual of Woodworking PDF - Complete Guide

Like many others, I got the woodworking bug, and went out and purchased Ted’s Woodworking Package. I was overall happy I did, but I do have some criticisms of this set of woodworking plans, which I detail below. What follows are my personal observations of this package.

What I Like about Ted’s Woodworking

Here is a short list of nice features that I like, in Ted’s Woodworking Package:

  • Over 16,000 Woodworking plans

  • DWG CAD file viewer included

  • 3-D Modelling Software included

  • A large variety of woodworking plans

  • Good value for the money

  • A nice selection of Woodworking Tips and Tricks

  • For those interested, a how-to guide for starting a woodworking business

  • Great customer support

Importantly, other websites typically have excellent plans, but they are rather expensive, and limited in number.

What I Don’t Like about Ted’s Woodworking

Ted’s Woodworking plans are not uniform in style. This is just a minor nit, but it would have been nice to have a uniform presentation style for all these plans. Also, the woodworking plans should have beginner, intermediate, and expert ratings. Instead, the plans are presented as is. A novice woodworker might have trouble with some of these plans. The complete manual of woodworking PDF.

The video section needs to be beefed up a bit. Not only does the entire video section need additional content, but the video variety seems to be lacking. I mean, do you really need to see some video content from Loew’s?

What is Contained in Ted’s Woodworking :

  • Introduction

  • Membership Area

  • Woodworking Plans

  • Bonus Documents

  • How To Start A Woodworking Business

  • More Woodworking Plans

  • Videos

  • DWG CAD File Viewer

The “Deluxe” Package has four additional sections :

  • Shed Plans

  • Resources And References

  • Home 3D Software

  • Designer Shed Plans

In the following video, a detailed walkthrough of Ted’s Woodworking package is provided. I agree that seeing is believing! The video walks you through what it means to own this substantial woodworking package.

So, what is this package really like? First, I have included several screenshot images of my Teds Woodworking Membership Area. See the panels below. Second, I walk you through a typical plan you might encounter. Lastly, I have another reviewer’s observations in the attached video.

A typical woodworking plan from Ted’s Woodworking

So, now that you have seen the broad outlines of the package, let’s burrow down and see what a typical plan entails. For example’s sake, let’s say you want to build a document chest. In these woodworking plans, you get the entire spectrum of instructions, including:

  • blueprints

  • step-by-step assembly instructions

  • the documented product

In summary, we see what a typical plan from Ted’s Woodworking includes, and the amount of detail that is provided for the user’s utility. I was impressed, although I’m not a professional woodworker.

Below to download of Teds Woodworking :