Handy Links


IUPAC Chemical Kinetics Database

NASA/JPL Kinetics Handbook

NIST Chemical Kinetics Database

NIST Chemistry WebBook

HITRAN Spectral Database

MPI-Mainz UV-Vis Spectral Atlas

NASA Worldview Satellite Imagery

NASA Air Quality From Space

CropScape - NASS CDL Program


University of Leeds Master Chemical Mechanism

NCAR TUV Solar Radiation Model

NOAA/ARL HYSPLIT Air Mass Trajectory Model

GEOS-Chem - a popular global chemical-transport model

NCAR Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN)

CAABA-MECCA - a Fortran-based 0-D box model

DSMACC - another Fortran-based 0-D box model

BOXMOX - a Linux-based 0-D box model

KinSim - An igor-based box model application designed for both teaching and research.

E-AIM - an online community model for calculating gas/liquid/solid partitioning in aerosol systems



NSF Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

NOAA Climate Program Office



Other Great Resources

Atmospheric Toolbox - tools for ingesting, processing, and analyzing atmospheric remote sensing data.

MATLAB File Exchange - always check here before writing your own functions. Chances are someone's already done it.

National Instruments Forum - a good place to look when you're having LabVIEW or DAQ issues.

Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology - Everything you ever wanted to know about lasers and optical techniques.

Optics Simulation - a useful tool for visualized ray tracing.

Animated Knots by Grog - knots are like tools: there's one for every job, and you can never have enough.

Vortex of Procrastination

Project Euler

Piled Higher and Deeper


Penny Arcade

Dinosaur Comics

Disc Golf Course Review