Reading List

Everyone I know has been listing the books they read, why, and what they learned, I'll follow suit here:


Robert Graves, "I, Claudius" and "Claudius The God." I picked these books from my mom's shelf during some down time on one of my visits back home. Believing that these books were pure fiction, I read these books quickly, not taking them too seriously. I was intrigued by the amusing anecdotes and how well the story held together. What kept me reading was the similarity of the world explored by Graves to the world we're living in right now, it was almost as if I were reading an allegory of our current time! Especially seeing in the story how easily whole populations are bought, and sold. Very, very scary!

John, "Revelation." This book is an appropriate counterpoint to the two above. It is reassuring to know that mere mortals are not actually in control of all things!