About Us

The words below were written on the Socialist Party's forum but they do encapsulate,some of the ideas we have discussed previously in the discussion group.

"It is essential to continually go back and review what was thought previously and to avoid getting sentimentally attached to old ideas should new evidence go against them.

It is foolish to think that the socialist party is the source of revolutionary consciousness. It is equally foolish to think that these 'Occupy' camps will automatically lead to an upsurge in socialist understanding.

Consciousness is an expression of material circumstances. Therefore, there is as much to gain (in fact more) by communicating with people who are not involved in these camps as there is with those that are. Our gaze should be on the population as a whole not just a tiny minority who are making the most noise at the minute.

As a group of proles (and some capitalists) who have come to the conclusion that the market system is the root cause and / or an obstacle to the solution of social problems today; we can help ourselves and others who have come to a similar position to clarify their ideas, and so push the direction further. In fact this is the only thing we can do.

What in practical terms does 'solidarity with working class struggles' actually mean in concrete terms, in terms of action? In reality not much I feel.

By keeping alive the idea of a non-market post capitalist society we are acting in the interests of the whole of the proletariat, this is the most meaningful act of solidarity we can undertake.

In terms of action then, we should be doing anything and everything that makes our theories easier to be found by those who will know how to use them".