7. News

[1st March 2018] Won Jun starts working as an assistant professor in Dankook University

[5th Jan 2022] Sohee awards the Next Generation Academics from Korea Fiber Society

[ 22th Jul 2022] Nampil awards the Poster Award from Textile Coloration and Finishing Society

[1st Sep 2022] Hyunjoong awards the Next Generation Academics from Korea Fiber Society 

[27th Oct 2022] Won Jun awards the Young Scholar Awards from Korea Fiber Society

[14th Feb 2023] Hyunjoong awards the Bumjung Scholar Awards from Dankook University  

[20th Oct 2023] Hyungwoo award the Poster Award from Korea Flexible & Printed Electronics Society

[27th Oct 2023] Sohee awards the Best Oral Presentation Award from Korea Fiber Society