
The most precious gift you can give others is a healthy, happy YOU! This naturally spills over into other areas - you'll have more energy to give to your children/grandchildren, your spouse, your career and your relationship with God. Perhaps you're looking ahead to good health during retirement. Any time of life is the right time to get active! If you can learn to love your life in the process, you've found a key to living it to the fullest. Let me help you be the vibrant, energetic, powerful person you were meant to be for a lifetime of healthy living!

Taking Control of Your Health

Click here for current class schedule, locations & cost

Abundant life begins with your health and all attributes related to it - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. You can achieve the best health of your life for a lifetime, regardless of your age, size, or fitness level.  Reach out to me today and let's get you started on your wellness journey!

Nancy Ehle, Founder, Witness 4 Fitness


Always consult with a health care professional before beginning any exercise program. The information on this website does not represent medical advice and should not be interpreted as being diagnostic in nature.

Walk 15® is an indoor aerobic walking program with a twist! Check it out here:     Walk 15®

You are God's good idea! Learn about this POWerful class here: 

Revelation Wellness

Walk this way for optimal health!

Walking is a safe, effective way to get active and is often underrated in the fitness world. When you WALK our way, your workouts will use every major muscle group in ways that enhance mobility, fluidity of movement, flexibility, improve heart health, tone muscle, burn calories (and fat!), and much more! Walk 15 workouts are safe and fun, and since they use walking as the foundation, anyone can do it!

To start the New Year on the right foot - visit:

Class Times, Locations & Cost

Move & Groove: SHED IT!

The Transformation begins January 15, 2025!

Learn to THRIVE in and beyond menopause!  It's inevitable that every woman on the planet will go through this stage at some point. Move & Groove: SHED IT! is a program designed specifically for women in and around the menopausal years, whether currently symptomatic or not. It's packed with education and some of the latest understanding of the changes that occur in the body and what we can do naturally to mitigate some of the symptoms. Check out Upcoming Programs for details or click here to register - this is going to ROCK your world! We start on January 15, 2025! 

30 Days to Better Hip Mobility

This virtual program is designed for anyone who wants to improve and/or maintain hip mobility and stability. Visit Upcoming Programs for more info or email walkstrongcalgary@gmail.com for some important information before you sign up!