Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology

Welcome to the Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology community!

This site is dedicated to the ‘Women in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology’ community, inspired by the WiSCon events occurring regularly since 2016.

We aim to be a resource both to women and nonbinary contact and symplectic topologists and geometers — as a clearinghouse of information and opportunities relevant to women in these fields — but also to the symplectic and contact geometry and topology community as a whole, by showcasing the many contributions of women symplectic and contact geometers and topologists to the discipline.

You will find past and future WiSCon workshops, resources, and a record of WiSCon research activities. Also, you will soon find an up-to-date list of women symplectic/contact geometers and topologists.

The WiSCon community is open to all people who identify as a woman in a way that’s significant to them.

We also invite you to stay in touch via our email list.