Willin Wimmin is a women’s a cappella community choir based in Williamstown.

What’s special about us?

See our Upcoming Events Here

Join Us!

Become involved with a supportive and welcoming group of women who sing with heart. We welcome anyone who identifies as a woman. No auditions, singing experience or music background necessary - just a good sense of humour. 

Book us!

Willin Wimmin have shared our songs of joy, sadness and all the shades in between, with hope and love, at celebrations, festivals, functions, protests and parties!

If you would like Willin Wimmin to perform at your event, please email willin.wimmin@gmail.com to discuss it.


We sing a range of songs in a mix of styles. Old and new. World, folk, choral and popular. We celebrate cultural diversity.


Willin Wimmin value musicians and their copyright so we are holders of a Music for Community Groups - APRA and AMCOS License from One Music. 

Contact Details

Email: willin.wimmin@gmail.com          

Willin Wimmin at Newport Folk Festival 2024 Choir Sing Off with With One Voice HB & W and Newport Community Choir


School Terms: 

Wednesdays 7:30-9:30pm 

Dennis Reserve Centre. 109 Ferguson St, Williamstown VIC 3016.

Corner Ferguson St and Melbourne Rd.


Social Media

You should like us on Facebook.

Willin Wimmin Facebook

You can also follow us on Instagram.

Willin Wimmin Instagram

Formally, we are Willin Wimmin Inc.