
Welcome to the Wildcat Game Designs Video Montage.  

New!  Trailer for Durpy Prequel: Atomic Durp. Wildcat Game Design's latest creation.

Here you will find video introducing our developers, hear more about the game concepts in our latest game, The Unexpected Adventures of Durpy Kitty, and a behind the scenes  of game development

Video : Come meet the Wildcats!

Each of the Wildcat development team spends a few personal moments to tell you a bit more about themselves

Video: The Unexpected Adventures of Durpy Kitty - Game Concepts

Hear the Wildcats discuss who the main character, Durpy Kitty is.  The team shares how playing the game relays what it means to be a hero.  Finally the team discusses the artistry of the game's original artwork

Video: The Unexpected Adventures of Durpy Kitty - The development process

The team takes a look at their development process, and shares some of the key aspects of working together and techniques used to create the game.

Video: The Unexpected Adventures of Durpy Kitty - Superlatives

The Wildcats discuss the hardest and funnest aspects of developing the game, and what is the coolest features for the player