
*** Special Announcement ***

Wildcat Game Studios Win!!!  At there first Oregon Game Project Challenge, the team unveiled The Unexpected Adventures of Durpy Kitty game.  After an hour of judging, interviews, and play testing, the Wildcat were victorious, winning the Best Game Design in the middle school division.  Way to go Wildcats!  See the pictures on the OGPC Summary page, and check out the other cool games the team saw on the Cool things page.

*** End Special Announcement***

Welcome to Wildcat Game Studios!  This site is to to share the work the Wildcat Game Studios has been preparing for the Oregon Game Project Challenge Competition on April 18th.   There are multiple pages which can be accessed through the navigation menu on the left.  Outside of the game, there are pages which talk about how the game was developed, videos of the developers discussing the game, and artwork from the game.  Please take a few minutes to look around and enjoy learning about the game and the work which went in to build it.  


A special welcome to the participants, parents, and organizers of the OGPC!

The game is called The Unexpected Adventures of Durpy Kitty.  It is a 2D Platformer, that tells the story of  Durpy Kitty, who wakes up one day and decides to go on an adventure.  Events unfold which compel Durpy Kitty to take on the challenge of saving the world!  In the current state, the game implements 2 of the 50 levels in the concept :).  You can access the game here: TUAoDK OGPC Build.

A few words about Wildcat Game Studios.  It is a team of three middle school gaming enthusiast starting their adventures in game development and programming.   For all of them, this was the first time ever doing any program development, and more or less the first time they have used any "real" content creation software, like graphics paint programs and audio editors.  Quite and adventure!

The OGPC competition is an annual state-wide competition in Oregon where middle school and high school teams build a game over the course of about 3 months, which culminates in a competition day.  At the competition day, the teams show off their game to their peers and judges, and do presentations and talks about game design, the process for doing development, and what challenges they faced.

Some content highlights

Thanks again for stopping by.  Happy Gaming!!