Building Codes

The following Codes were adopted by the City of Wiggins.

Click on the name of each code to view it for free.

  1. International Building Code, 2003 and Appendices B, F

  2. International Residential Codes, 2003, and Appendices A, B, C, E, J

  3. International Mechanical Codes, 2003, and Appendix A

  4. International Plumbing Codes, 2003, and Appendices E, F

  5. International Fuel Gas Code, 2003, and Appendix A

  6. International Property Maintenance Code

National Electrical Code (NEC) free view

Click the “Free Access” button. (Next to the red “SUBSCRIBE TO NFCSS NOW” button about halfway down the page)

A new heading “Select the Free Access Edition “ pops up

Use the arrows under the new heading to scroll down to “2005 English Edition”

Click the “View” Button

The sign in screen appears. On the bottom right next to “Not registered with NFPA?” select “Create a Profile”

You will need to create profile with your email and create a password for your own use.