1. Ships of Interest

1606 Duyfken yacht Willem Janszoon

1627 Gulden Zeepaardt (Golden Seahorse) François Thijssen

1792–3 Recherche Bruni d’Entrecasteaux

1792–3 Espérance Huon de Kermedec

1798–9 Norfolk sloop Matthew Flinders and George Bass

1800 Lady Nelson James Grant

1802 Investigator Matthew Flinders

1802–3 Géographe Nicholas Baudin

1802 Albion Eber Bunker

1803 Union Isaac Pendleton

1803–4 Independence, Daniel Wright, Owen Folger Smith

1805–9 Whaleboat Joseph Murrell

1810 Endeavour of Sydney Joseph Murrell

1810–8 Endeavour of Norfolk Island Thomas Hammant

1812 Campbell Macquarie Richard Siddons

1815 Baring John Lamb

1815–6 Governor Hunter Joseph Murrell

1815 Spring William Bunster

1819 Governor Macquarie George Sutherland

1822 General Gates Abimeleck Riggs

1819 Mermaid Philip Parker King

1830 Whaleboat Charles Sturt

1830 Dart William Fisher

1831 Isabella Thomas Hanson

1832 Socrates William Gibbons

1832–4 Henry John Jones

1832–4 Elizabeth John Hart

1833–4 Royal William Peter Paterson

1835–8 William William Wright

1836 Eagle Charles Pratt

1836 Mary Ann Henry Hesketh

1836 Duke of York Robert Clarke Morgan

1836 Lady Mary Pelham Robert Ross

1836 John Pirie George Martin

1836 Rapid William Light

1836 Cygnet John Rolls

1836 Emma John Nelson

1836 Vansittart William Marr

1836 Africaine John Finlay Duff

1836 Success William Leslie

1836 Truelove Philip Coulton

1836 Tam O’Shanter Whiteman Freeman

1836 HMS Buffalo John Hindmarsh

- Bob Sexton