Bible Study - Introduction

(Webpage creator's note- Please realize that this is a Bible Study- YOU will need to look up the Bible verses in your own Bibles. If you don't have one then you can find one online to use. It is important the you see for yourself the verses in the Bible and don't rely on anyone to supply them for you. Thank you and may God Bless you as you study.)

Bible Study Guide

by W. H. Grotheer -- BIBLE STUDY SERIES - July 17, 1985


In the study of the Bible, you are approaching Truth in its most sublime form.

The Bible is truly the BOOK of books. It is the written revelation of God's will and purposes for man; "for prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." (2 Peter 1:21)

In the study of such a divinely inspired book, before we read a single verse, we should ask God for the guidance of the same Spirit that inspired the men to write the book. Only as we are thus led by the Spirit of God can we understand the truth contained in the Scriptures. So before the study of any lesson, may I suggest that you bow your head in prayer asking God to guide your mind in the search for Truth through the Spirit of truth.


One thing essential in mastering the use of the Bible so that you can find a text of Scripture with ease and confidence is to learn the books of the Bible in order. This will not be difficult; and you will find that the time thus spent will be amply rewarded as you continue daily in the study of the Word of God. If after mastering this first memory work, you keep in mind certain divisions of the Bible itself, your skill in the use of the Bible will be further enhanced. Here are the divisions:

1) The middle of your Bible (textual part only) is the book of Psalms.

2) The last fourth of your Bible contains the New Testament.

In your own Bible, you will need to note the amount of space in the back, which is often listed as "Bible Helps," and with this section excluded, you can remember that a text in a book before Psalms will be found in the first half of your Bible. A text in the New Testament will always be found in the last one-fourth of the Book. (See Appendix A)


Each lesson - there are only fourteen - will be arranged with the key texts underscored and the key words of each text written, so that you will be able to note them as you look up the reference in your own Bible. The notes will contain either illustrations, explanations, or other Bible texts which will help you better understand the key text. However, be sure to look up in your Bible every reference given. At the close of each lesson you will find a brief quiz by which to check yourself to see how well you have understood the lesson. (There is one Quiz for Lessons 8 & 9)

Lessons 11 & 13 have Supplements which give opportunity for a detailed study of questions which might come to mind as general truths are noted in the lesson itself. Lessons 8, 9, & 10 have charts which diagram aspects of the study presented. All of this is done to make the study of these lessons more interesting and understandable.

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