Milly Trenham

Further names: Mrs. Trenham, Milly, wife

Milly is the wife of Ambrose Trenham. She kills herself because she no longer can suffer her husband having a mistress - a relationship to another woman in their neighborhood.

Milly never attaches importance to material appurtenances or encumbrances.

Her husband is the only person she has in Kingsborough because her relatives live on the other end of the continent in California. She is a shy and inhibited woman, who seems ashamed and frightened by her feelings for her husband. Milly “had always been excessively emotional and high-strung, and never “quite right” since her only child had died” (Lewis 669). Moreover she is very finicky. Milly is always careful about seeing that her husband's writing-table is properly supplied and complains about the household grievances because their maids leave the dish out on the table for hours.
