Barbara Wake

Further names: Barbara, Miss Barbara, Miss Barbara Wake

Barbara Wake is a young, fresh and radiant woman with a slim figure, who dappled in painting and lives with her parents. She is self-contained and loves to live for the moment. Barbara doesn't limit herself. During her affair with Ambrose she is the one, who never is frightened or worried. She never reproaches Ambrose although she is a temptress in Ambrose's eyes. She meets her lover Ambrose the first time accidentally on the train and acts on a spur of the moment.

They had met accidentally in the train, both of them on their way home from

Boston, and he had proposed that they should get off at the last station before

Kingsborough, and walk back by a short cut he knew, through the woods and

along the King river. It was a shining summer day, and the girl had been amused

at the idea and had accepted…. (Lewis 676)

Barbara even came to Milly's funeral, because she didn't know the reason for Milly's death up until then and she as an resident from Kingsborough she had to come “for the sake of appearances” (Lewis 670).

But then everything changes as Barbara finds out what the real cause of death is.

“And I sent a wreath—I sent her a wreath! It’s on her grave now—it hasn’t even had

time to fade!” (Lewis 684).

Barbara is a person, who goes over and over things and talks them out. Therefore she reacts very emotionally and lets her emotions and thoughts run free.
