New York


New York City is located at the East coast of the United States of America in the state of New York and is the largest ( 302,64 km²), most populous and most famous city in the United States. It consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. In 2012 New York City had a population of 8,336,697 inhabitants.

New York City aerial view

In "Autres Temps“:

Within Edith Wharton´s short story “Autres Temps”, the city of New York is used as a synonym for the society that lives in it. What frightens Mrs. Lidcote is not the “menacing mass”[1] of the city with its buildings or other physical features but the spirit, attitudes and power of the city´s upper-class in the beginning of the 20th century. (see `society´)

Further information:

· basic information:

· official website of New York City:


· (retrieved 01/04/2014)

· (retrieved 01/04/2014)

· Picture: New York City aerial view

(retrieved 01/04/2014)

[1] Wharton (1916)