
“An influence that is not human in origin and is thought to control people's lives” 1 in an uncontrollable or calculating manner.

Divine providence is how God rules all things in the universe. The doctrine of divine providence claims that God has complete control of all things. The purpose or goal of divine providence is to fulfill God's will. To ensure that His [Gods] purpose is fulfilled, God governs the affairs of men and works through the natural conditions. The laws of nature are nothing more or less than the representation of God in His work in the universe. 2

Interpretation of providence regarding the short story “A Cup of Cold Water” “You haven't even told me your name,“ she [Ruby] said.

“No,“ he answered; “but if you get safely back to Joe you can call me Providence.“ 3

It can be assumed that in the second part of the story Woburn feels like a tool of God.

Suddenly this woman [Ruby Glenn] appears and he is the one who comes to save her as if he was led to that specific hotel at that particular time. Furthermore, Woburn does not want to help Ruby in order to benefit from his actions. He does it to help her, with the purpose to make her life better.

Additionally, it can be said, on one hand, that Woburn developed altruistic traits, or on the other hand, wants in a way to atone for his sins and become a better man.