Corner of Maverick Street (The Pretext)

The corner of Maverick Street is only shortly mentioned in the short story. It is the place where Mrs. Margaret Ransom is stopped by her friend Mrs. Sperry, who is also a member of the Higher Thought Club, to talk about the next meeting of the club. The corner of Maverick Street is only important to the story because Mrs. Margaret Ransom is on her way home from the spot with the bench next to the river after reading the letter of her friend which says that Guy Dawnish’s engagement has been dissolved because of an unfortunate attachment he made in America and she wonders if anyone, or rather Mrs. Sperry, notices “the pain and glory written on her face” (Lewis, 1968, p. 648) but nobody seems to observe something.


Lewis, R. W. B. (1968). The Collected Short Stories of Edith Wharton. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.