
Measles, also called rubeola, contagious viral disease marked by fever, cough, conjunctivitis, and a characteristic rash. Measles is most common in children but may appear in older persons who escaped it earlier in life. Infants are immune up to four or five months of age if the mother has had the disease. Immunity to measles following an attack is usually lifelong. Measles is so highly communicable that the slightest contact with an active case may infect a susceptible person. After an incubation period of about 10 days, the patient develops fever, redness and watering of the eyes, profuse nasal discharge. [1]

Children disease Jane had in the childhood in “The Mission of Jane”.

The diseases Jane had caused no danger, which underlines a good health this character possesses. Jane was so calm and healthy child, that her father never had to help her mother with the child.

[1] Source