
Brougham(Von Epavels at en.wikipedia - Transferred from en.wikipedia., Gemeinfrei,

Brougham, four-wheeled, one-horse carriage. As originally designed (c. 1838) by Henry (later Baron) Brougham, a former lord chancellor of England, it had a low coupé body, appearing as if the front were cut away, that enclosed one forward-facing seat for two passengers; a coachman’s seat was attached to the front, where a third passenger could also ride[1].

In the story “The Mission of Jane” the fresh-married Jane and Winstanley Budd leave the Lethbury´s house with a brougham. The usage of this type of vehicle refers to the rumors that were circulating around the Edith Wharton´s real father who was rumored to be Lord Brougham.

[1] Source