Templetonia Retusa

(Cocky's tongues)

By Melburnian - Self-photographed, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3601588

General Information

Templetonia Retusa is a shrub which belongs to the fabacaea family. It is an evergreen with alternating leafs and brilliant orange or red blossoms. The templetonia retusa can grow up to three meters in height [1]. Its natural habitat is Australia. The soil has to be well-drained at sunny or semi-sunny places. The plant is named after the botanist John Templeton [2].

Reference of the Templetonia Retusa regarding to the short story Mr. Jones

In the story there is a big bush of templetonia retusa growing in autumn against a wall, which is nearly impossible, since the plant would not be able to withstand an English winter.

[1] “Templetonia Retusa”, Sunshine Seeds.

http://www.sunshine-seeds.de/Templetonia-retusa-34801p.html?language=en (06.04.2019)

[2] “Templetonia Retusa”, Australian Native Plants Society (Australia).

http://anpsa.org.au/t-ret.html (06.04.2019)