
Von Greentubing - Created by self, Gemeinfrei,
Von TUBS - English administrative divisions 2010.svg (von Nilfanion)., CC BY-SA 3.0,

General Information

Northumberland is a county in the north east of England that covers an area of around 5.013 square kilometers with a population of 319.000 citizens. That makes around 63 people living on one square kilometer, which makes it the area with the lowest population density in England. The name itself stems from a combination of the river Humber and the word north, which basically just means: the area north of the Humber. A quarter of the county belongs to the Northumberland National Park, which is also an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and one of the main tourist spots. The economy is basically build on three areas: facilities of major companies, tourism and coal mining. Different companies like Coca-Cola have big facilities in the county, which creates many workplaces for the local population. Tourism is especially centered around the National Park with a majority of tourists coming from other countries. Coal mining has already gone back hundreds of years and is still done in many areas. Looking at Northumberland from a religious perspective, it is seen as the birthplace of Christianity in England since the Christianization began on the island Lindisfarne [1].

[1] “Northumberland”, Wikipedia. (23.04.2019)