
Von Jordiferrer - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Von Tschubby - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0,

General information

Italy is a country that belongs to the European Union and is located in its southern parts. It covers an area of approximately 301.336 square kilometers with a population of about 58.751.711 citizens, which makes a population density of 201 people per square kilometer. The majority of those are Catholics. The capital of Italy is Rome, with an area of approximately 1.285 square kilometers and a population of 2.873 million people. Italy is covered with 65.558 square kilometers of forests and even some volcanos like the Etna, Stromboli and the Vesuvius [1].

Italy today

Italy has a variety of cultures and identities because of its location. It borders to two other continents, which brought many different influences regarding culture and other things over the years ([2] p.13). In the process of modernization Italy has lost a lot of its original traditions and history ([2] p.17). It now contains a multitude of different cultures and identities, which led to many problems starting with a weak nationality when compared to other European countries. This is also due to the fact that Italy is still a young national state with a long history of distrust towards the state. There are two things which often led to a separation into different identities like: North / South, fascists / antifascists or Catholics ([2] p.14). In the present there are still many problems regarding corruption, the mafia and even economic crimes (p.11).

At the time of Mr. Jones Italy was still under the control of Benito Mussolini.

[1] “Landesinformationen”, (14.04.2019)

[2] Rörig, Karoline; Glassmann, Ulrich; Köppl, Stefan (2012): Länderbericht Italien. CPI books GmbH, Leck.