
Von © Hans Hillewaert, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Von © Hans Hillewaert, CC BY-SA 4.0,

General Information

Bracken belongs to the Fern family. It grows in the spring from a rhizome root system can survive for more than 1000 years. The rolled-up spring shoots are soft, juicy, light green and sometimes reddish. During the spring they unroll, darken and form the typical, slightly overhanging fronds, whose length can be between 50 to 200 centimeters. The bracken forms its spores between July and September. Beginning in October the spores are scattered by the wind and then the wilting begins. The wilting process occurs when the herbage seems to dry up before it completely retreats in the frost and survives the winter in the rhizome.The plant can be found all around the world. Its preferred habitats are light deciduous and coniferous forests, but it also populates fields and meadows. The plant is poisonous [1].

Mythology / Meaning regarding to the Short Story

A German legend says that the seed of the bracken can make one invisible [2]. It could be said that Mr. Jones is often invisible.

According to popular belief, the bracken protects against the evil eye [2]. Again, it might be noted that the bracken protects Lady Jane.

Like the other plants mentioned in the story, this plant is a gateway [2]. In this case, the gateway is not into the realm of the dead but the realm of the fairies.

[1] “Adlerfarn”, Gartenmagazine. (04.04.2019)

[2] “Die Bedeutung des Farns in der Mythologie und im Volksglauben”, Engel und Elfen. (04.04.2019)