
Morlaix is a seaport town in Brittany, belonging to the département of Finistère. It’s a small town, with a population of 15,266 (1999). The town is situated at an inlet of the English Channel, called the Dossen Estuary. Morlaix is located at the beautiful Bay of Morlaix where oysters are being cultivated and the town itself serves as a fishing port. Besides the fishing port, there is a marina too. As many Breton cities, Morlaix got conquered by the English in 1187 and 1522. Despite being a small town, Morlaix has some points of interest. There are still some old, half-timber houses of the 15th century like the "Duchess Anne's House". From this period, there is also the Gothic church of Saint-Melaine. The Morlaix Viaduct, though, defines the townscape the most. It’s a two-storied railway viaduct, and the three years long construction was finished in 1864. During the Second World War it got partially destroyed by the Royal Air Force, but it is restored by now. [1]

Morlaix: Hillside view of the viaduct

[1] "Morlaix." Encyclopædia Britannica.