South Africa (Diagnosis)

The country South Africa is surrounded by the South Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean (east and west coast of the country). The name is derived from the geographical location of the state and the name was officially changed in 1961 to “Republic of South Africa”, which was nearly 30 years after “Diagnosis” was published.

South African art is famous for its murals which are the oldest paintings in the world.

By the time when Edith Wharton lived in the early 20th century, South Africa was undergoing some changes: the land was being settled by European inhabitants (due to the discovery of gold and diamonds) and many of the natives were being banished. In 1910, the “Union of South Africa” was founded with the previously separated British colonies Cape, Transvaal, Natal and Orange River.[i]

For further readings:

South Africa

Union of South Africa

[i] South Africa. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 15.06.2018.