Yves de Cornault (Kerfol)

Yves de Cornault was the lord of Kerfol in the 17th century, a man in his 60s, and a widower.[1] He was a noble, to be more precise, a baron.[2] He didn't seem to be interested in women anymore, until he met Anne de Barrigan on his way to Locronan. He had to have felt in love with her immediately, since as soon as he returned from Locronan, he promptly rode off, to arrange a marriage with her and eventually on All Saint's Day the wedding took place.[3]

He didn't seem to be a bad person in general, but soon it is shown, that he is incredibly jealous. Due to his responsibilities as a baron, he often had to leave Kerfol for a certain time. He never took Anne with him; instead he kind of locked her up in Kerfol, where she was only allowed to go for a walk in the park without being accompanied.[4]

He was rich, but not considered to be open-handed. For his wife though, nothing seemed to be too expensive, as he brought her many expensive presents. The most valuable one to her though, was a little dog. [5]

Yves enjoyed her being so happy and allowed her to put her jeweled bracelet around its neck and considered the dog as the emblem of fidelity[6]

After Anne had given the bracelet to Herve, he had noticed that it was missing, when he was petting the dog. His wife then lied to him that the dog had lost it.[7]

Somehow he had gotten the bracelet Anne gave to Herve and probably also found out about him. Then Yves started to show how morbidly jealous he really was. He strangled the little dog with said bracelet on Anne's bed. From then on, he started to strangle every following dog Anne had.[8]

He either recognized the ghost dogs of Anne, or really hated her, since in his last moments he was cursing her before he died.[9]

[1] Wharton, "Kerfol," 333

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Wharton, "Kerfol," 334

[5] Ibid.

[6] Wharton, "Kerfol," 336

[7] Wharton, "Kerfol," 337

[8] Wharton, "Kerfol," 337-338

[9] Wharton, "Kerfol," 339