Lord Askern (The Pretext)

Lord Askern is the uncle of Guy Dawnish and lives at Guise Abbey, Wiltshire, England, UK (Lewis, 1968, p. 637). He is described as a “hale gouty-looking figure” and in the picture he is portrayed he holds a gun on his shoulder and two dogs are with him (Lewis, 1968, p. 637). The large property and the hunting features indicate again that Guy Dawnish has a wealthy family background and therefore good manners and the unconsciousness in his light talking. Further, he is described as “’immensely jolly’” (Lewis, 1968, p. 638) and he has a grandson that “was ‘artistic’” who has a studio in London (Lewis, 1968, p. 638).


Lewis, R. W. B. (1968). The Collected Short Stories of Edith Wharton. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.