New York

New York is a state in the northeast of the US and one of the 13 original colonies. The Capital of the state is Albany. To the north is Canada, to the east are the states Vermont and Massachusetts, to the south, are the states Pennsylvania and New Jersey. To the east of the state is also the Atlantic Ocean (Scudiere and Campbell). Despite the fact that Albany is the capital of the state, the most famous city of New York is New York City. New York City is in the southeast of the state and is the most densely populated major city in the entire US. For comparison, New York, the state, has 19.875.625 inhabitants and 8.622.698 of these inhabitants live in one of New York City’s five boroughs (

Like the Midwest, New York was once mostly covered by a glacier (Scudiere and Campbell). Said glacier is responsible for the state’s relief and perhaps this is what kept Edward and Mary Boyne, from the story “Afterward”, for quite some time in New York. It is not exactly clear if the couple lived in New York City because only the name New York is mentioned and that could mean that they either lived in New York City or somewhere in the state of New York. Edward is the one that eventually forces the two of them to move to the Middle West, another region that was once covered by a glacier. One could assume that Edward was grinding on till in New York, like he, later on, did in the Middle West (Wharton 344).

Image 1: Map of New York

  • Worldpopulationreview. “New York Population”. World Population Review. World Population Review. 06. June. 2019. 15. June. 2019.

  • Wharton, Edith. “Afterward”. The Muse's Tragedy and Other Stories. Ed. Candace Waid. London: Penguin Books, 1992. 342-373. Print.