
Dorsetshire is nowadays more commonly known as Dorset and is an English county located in the southwest. It is part of to the English region of South West England. It is a rural country and has a vast countryside as well as a coastline. Dorset offers nowadays a lot of rather interesting attractions for visitors. Examples would be Monkey World, the Moors Valley Country Park, Farmer Palmers, Adventure Wonderland as well as several museums like the Tank Museum (

In “Afterward” Dorset is referred to as Dorsetshire. It is the location where the Boynes settle down at their new home, Lyng (Wharton 344).

Image 1: Map of the English Counties with Dorset highlighted

  • “Discover the very best of Dorset”. Visit Dorset – Official Dorset Tourism Information Site. Visit Dorset. 15. June. 2019.

  • Wharton, Edith. “Afterward”. The Muse's Tragedy and Other Stories. Ed. Candace Waid. London: Penguin Books, 1992. 342-373. Print.