Wilmer Garzón-Alfonso

Associate Professor in Computer Science

I am Wilmer Garzón, associate professor of the computer engineering department at the University Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería (Bogotá – Colombia). I am the director of the master's degree in data science and director of the center of computing fundamentals studies.

I earned a bachelor's degree in computer engineering (2006) and as a mathematician (2008), both from the  Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería (Bogotá). My master's degree is in computer science from the University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez). My doctorate is in computer science and was developed jointly between the IMT Atlantique (Nantes - France) and the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería. The thesis is entitled: "Secure Distributed Workflows for Biomedical Data Analysis",  defended on August 30, 2023.

Doctoral Research Project

Topic: Distributed Machine Learning. Title: Secure distributed workflows for biomedical data analytics Thése

Develops a secure and privacy-preserving model and distributed infrastructure for biomedical data analytics. This model and corresponding prototype infrastructure will target the following main challenges: Protect data throughout complete workflows and perform efficient data analyses over biomedical information using distributed infrastructure.


Doctoral schools: MathSTIC - School of Engineering
