Disney's Aladdin
March 14th, 15th, and 16th 2024
Ready to sign up for a division? CLICK HERE to sign up.
The Facebook page for the show can be found at http://facebook.com/wcsmusical
Our main website is: http://www.wcsmusical.org
The wiki is at http://bit.ly/d300wiki
Thank you for volunteering your time. Without you we could not dream of getting this musical on to the stage.
Here is the list of names, phone numbers, and email addresses of all of those who volunteered to help with our Winter musical
Please access each division of volunteer here, and discuss what needs to be done and who will accomplish each task.
Use the "Edit Page" button on the top of the page to make changes to your conversation.
Add any new discussion UNDER the original (or replace any changes).
Then click "save" when you have finished editing.