special events

Alpha - The Greatest Adventure in Life, Faith, and Meaning

Starting Monday, October 1, join others in exploring the person of Jesus and the basics of Christian faith by participating in an English-language Alpha Course. You will be warmly welcomed each week to a meal, social time, video presentation, and discussion time. You can explore one of the historical foundations of Canadian culture and one of the great religious traditions of the world in a non-judgmental atmosphere. Alpha meets every Monday at 7:30pm in room 108 at Huron University College.

For-Credit Courses

Religious Studies 2610: Christian Theology, Culture, and Practice

This is a course Mike teaches offered at Huron University College during the Winter term. The course is a survey of Christian thought, culture, and practice, including approaches to the Bible, the formation of doctrine, the development of ethics, the use of philosophy, iconographic expression, and the sacraments. Attention is given to a variety of historical and cultural contexts, as represented both in local and global settings.

Vocational Wayfinding

This is a course Mike also teaches which is offered in London through the Certificate or MA in Worldview Studies programs at the Institute for Christian Studies (University of Toronto) during the Winter term. This course will explore particular practices, frameworks, and tools, by means of which we can engage in vocational wayfinding. Prompted by our readings we will consider some of the relationships between work and identity: How does my work prompt my discovery of my sense of self? How do I try out possible selves in relation to whatever in the world is calling me toward particular kinds of work? What am I to do with my life? We will give close attention to those passages in our lives (in particular young adulthood and the middle passage of life) when both our work contexts and our experience of our identity are most obviously in flux. In addition, we will consider how to contribute skilful leadership and insightful mentoring to others as they engage in their own vocational wayfinding, particularly in the contexts of the workplace and educational institutions.

Co-Curricular Courses

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

This is an OWL-based "course" that walks you through some of the introductory issues related to biblical inspiration in 4 sessions. After each session, there are a range of ways you can take what you've learned and apply it to your life, your academic work, or your future plans/goals.