Keep Fit

Keep Fit

General exercises for helping to keep fit especially while housebound.

Unless otherwise stated, perform these exercises on a straight-backed chair with your feet firmly on the ground.

1. Hold a ball and raise it above your head. Always keep the elbows slightly bent and then circle the ball left, down, right, and back up in a big circle. Reverse directions each time and repeat eight to 10 times. If you find it difficult to raise the ball above the head then holding it straight out in front and moving the arms around in a circle will also work. This exercise may also be done without a ball. This exercise strengthens your shoulders, which you'll use for lifting and carrying heavy objects

2. Keep the heels on the ground and bend the toes up toward the ceiling and back to the ground. To increase the range of motion, sit towards the edge of chair with the legs straight and the heels touching the ground. In this position, point the toes down towards the ground and then up towards the ceiling. Repeat these exercises eight to 10 times. This exercise strengthens the muscles in the lower front and rear of your legs, which you'll use for numerous daily activities such as climbing and descending stairs.

3. Sit on the edge of the chair for a greater range of motion. Holding the arms out in front with thumbs towards the ceiling and the elbows bent, draw both elbows back as far as possible while squeezing the shoulder blades together. Release and repeat eight to 10 times. This may also be done with one arm at a time pulling the shoulder blade in towards the spine. This exercise works your chest and upper back muscles.

4. Shoulder Rolls - Sitting tall in the chair, shrug both shoulders up toward the ears and slowly rotate them to the back, down, around to the front, and back to the top. Repeat and switch directions, rotating them towards the front and around to the back. Alternate directions 10 times. Performing this movement engages your shoulders which are essential to lifting objects.

4. Tummy Twists - Hold a ball waist height with the arms forming a 90-degree angle and pulled in to the sides. Rotate the upper torso to the left as far as possible, back to the middle and then to the right side. Only the upper body is moving. Keep the abdominal muscles in by imagining the belly button being sucked toward the spine. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side. This exercise can be done without a ball. This exercise strengthens your core muscles, which you use to maintain correct, upright posture.

5. Hand Squeeze - Holding a ball in front of you, squeeze the hands together as if you're trying to get the air out of it, release and repeat 10 to 12 times. This exercise contracts the muscles in the chest and arms. To increase intensity, while slightly squeezing the ball, push it straight out in front of you and then pull it back in to the chest. A slow, controlled movement will produce better results.

6. Glute Squeeze - Squeeze the buttocks muscles together while sitting on the chair. Hold the squeeze for a couple of seconds and release. Repeat eight to 10 times. Strengthening your glutes has a variety of everyday benefits, including helping you walk.

7. Knee Lifts - Slowly lift the right knee toward the chest and then return to the starting position. Repeat with the left leg. Continue alternating eight to 10 times on each side. This exercise focuses on your quads, which are essential to standing and sitting.

8. Stand behind a chair for support and raise one knee putting all your weight on your supporting leg. Repeat for up to 10 times and then repeat with the other leg. Raise your heels up and lower them either one at a time or together. This will strengthen your lower leg and ankle and help with your balance. Try to keep your head up and level and don't look at the floor.

Finish with a few gentle stretches, take your arm out to the side and bring it over your head if you can. Remember not to bounce just relax into the stretch. For the legs just raise one leg at a time making sure not to lock the knee and circle the ankle in both directions.

That should keep you going for a few weeks at least