Living and Loving as a Community of Care

Our Guidance as we continue to deal with the coronavirus pandemic

Jesus challenged his disciples to ‘love one another, as I have loved you’ (John 15:12).

We believe Jesus challenge to love one another means being called to live and love as a community of care.
As we emerge from lockdowns the guidance below outlines how we can all play our part in caring for one another.

While on these premises we ask that you:-

Ventilate rooms in use, especially before and after any gatherings.

Use the hand sanitizers provided and wash your hands regularly.

Face coverings are optional but please consider using them if you are able, when singing or in a close gathering.

Assist in cleaning the regular touch points in use (such as handles) by using anti-viral wipes.

Please Do NOT come to the building if you are suffering from symptoms of the virus.

Being vaccinated is the best protection and Testing should be used if you become concerned about symptoms.

THANK YOU for thinking and caring for OTHERS