9. The Mink and The Marten




from Ojibwa Texts collected by William Jones (1919).


(1) Ningoding kiinwanh shaangweshi; pimaazhagaamebatoo ningoding idash owa(a)bamaan kiingoonyan.

There was once a Mink; he was running along the shore, when of a sudden he saw a fish.

(2) Ogosaan idash aanawi miigaanaad; apiji omisawenimaan.

Now, he feared it, but he was loath to fight it; with much desire he longed for (the fish).

(3) "Apegish amwag," inendam.

"I wish that I might eat it!" he thought.

(4) "Aaniin ge-doodamaan chi-nisag?" inendam.

"What shall I do to kill it?" he thought.

(5) Ki-gakiiwebato dash.

Then he went running across the point of land.

(6) Miinawaa dash owa(a)baman kischi-kinoozhen, mii idash enaad:

So next he saw a large Pike, and this he said to it:

(7) "Kischi-oogaa ningii-wa(a)bamaa omaanh awasi-gakiiwe.

"A large Pickerel I saw over at the other end of this portage.

(8) Anooj kidig, kigiikaamig isa go."

All sorts of things is he saying about you; indeed, he is telling unpleasant things about you."

(9) dash ekidot a'aw oogoo:

Thereupon said Pickerel:

(10) "Aaniin ezhimid, a'aw mayaanaadisid naasawedaamikang?"

"Why is he talking about me, that ugly creature of pendulous chin?"

(11) Miinawaa desh gii-gakiiwebato.

Then he went running back over the portage.

(12) Mii dash miinawaa enaad ogaawan:

And so again he said to Pickerel:

(13) "Kischi-ginoozhe ayaa omaanh awesi-gakiiwe.

"There is a big Pike over at the other end of this portage.

(14) Anooj gidig mayaanaadisid wekaniwid."

All sorts of things is the ugly bony creature saying about you."

(15) Niibawa niibawatasing kii-gakiiwebato, anooj kii-a[y]inaajimod.

Many a time back and forth he went running over the portage, all sorts of things was he reporting.

(16) Kegapii idash kii-ikido: "Ningad-awi-miigaanaa."

And then finally (Pike) said: "I will go fight him."

(17) Mii dash ki(i)noozhe kaa-izhi-kiiwitaakoshiwed.

And so Pike swam around to the place,

(18) Kaye wiin idash shaangweshi kii-gakiiwebato, me idash miigaadiwaad ki(i)noozhe oogaa gaye.

[And Mink went running over the portage,] whereupon with each other fought Pike and Pickerel.

(19) Shaangweshi dash ooganawa(a)bamaan miigaadi(i)nit.

Now, Mink watched them as they fought.

(20) Apii idash weyabamaad nisidinit, mii iwe ezhi-nagamod: —

And when he saw them killing each other, this was the song he sang: —

(21) "Poonii'idiyok, kaa-mi(i)skwiwaapi(i)naniti(i)m!"

"Leave each other alone, you will draw blood."

(22) Apii idash kaa-nisidinit mii iw kii-ayagwaadaabaanaad, wibakamigaang ogi-paabiindiganaan.

And after they had killed each other, he then drew them out of the water, into a little hold he fetched and put them.

(23) Mii idash i(i)manh ka-iindaad ki(i)nwanj.

And so there in that place he lived for a long time.

(24) Apii idash eni-pi(i)boonining, ningoding ogii-nagishkawaan wa(a)bizheshiwan, mii idash ekidoowaad maamawi chi-daawaad pi(i)pooninig.

And when winter came on, he once met Marten, whereupon they declared that they would live together during the winter.

(25) Me dash keget kii-oshitoowaad endaawaad; me idash i(i)manh kaa-onji-maamaajaawaad nandawenjigewaad.

So thereupon, indeed, they built a place where to dwell; and so from thence they departed when they went to hunt for game.

(26) Wa(a)bizheshi wiin, wa(a)boozoon onooji'aan, pi(i)newan, ajidamoon, awa(a)biganoojii'an.

As for the Marten, he killed the hares, ruffed grouse, squirrels, rats.

(27) Wiin dash shaangwenzhi, kiingoonyan eta onoojii'aan.

And as for Mink, fishes only he killed.

(28) Aanaawi dash ashandiiwag, pangii wa(a)bizheshi, kaa wiika odashamaaziin shaangwashiwan wa(a)boos oshti(i)gwaan.

Even though they gave each other food, yet but a little did Marten (give), never did he give Mink a rabbit's head to eat.

(29) Shaangweshi idash mindawe.

And so Mink became discontented.

(30) Kaye wiin idash shaangweshi kaawiin odashamaasiin wa(a)bizheshiiwan ozhigwanan.

And now Mink did not even feed Marten a fish-tail.

(31) Kaye wiin dash wa(a)bizheshi mi(i)ndawe.

And as for himself, Marten grew sulky.

(32) Paanimaa dash ki(i)schi-kiiwedininig mii iw kabaatood oshtigwa(a)nan, kaawiin dash odashamaasiin shaangweshiwan ozhigwanan.

Now, after a while a great wind blew from the north, and that was when he was cooking some heads, but he did not feed Mink with a tail.

(33) Ningoding idash kischi-kiiwediininig, me idash saaga'ang shaangweshi.

Now, once a great wind was blowing from the north, when out of doors went Mink.

(34) "E'e, kichi-noodi(i)n!" ikido.

"Oh, a great wind!" he said.

(35) "Aanindi wendi(i)ng?" ikido wa(a)bizheshi.

"From whence is the wind blowing?" said Marten.

(36) "Pandaaboshtigwaaning i(i)sa ondaanimat."

"From the hare's head, of course, blows the wind."

(37) Ningonding idash gaye wiin wa(a)bizheshi agwajiing izhaa,

And presently Marten too went outside.

(38) "E'e kichi-noodin!"

"Oh, a big wind!" (said he).

(39) "Aanindi wending?"

"From whence is the wind blowing?"

(40) "Ozhigwanesan sa ko kiimiijing mii iwidi wendaanimak," ikido w(a)abizheshi.

"From that part of the fish-tail (usually) eaten is of course the place from whence the wind is blowing!" said Marten.

(41) Apii idash eni-niniibininig mii iw gii-pakewinidiiwaad.

Now, when summer came on, they separated from each other.

(42) Mii sa ekoosit.

That is as far as (the story) goes.