6. Snapping-turtle goes to war

Mi'kinā'k nạndubạni

Mikinaak nandobani

Snapping-Turtle goes to War


from Ojibwa Texts collected by William Jones (1919).


Ninguding kīnwä mi‘kinā‘k wīnä‘tagu päejik. Mīdạc kā·i·nändạng: "Pānimān ningadạninạndawâbạmāg käwīdcīwạgwā." Mīdạc kīmādcād; ningudingīdạc ogī·ạ·ni·u·di‘tān wạdciwänz; mēdạc imān kā·i·jād ugidā‘ki, mēidạc äjipībāgit: "Awänän käwīdcīwạg tcînạndubạniyān?" Awi·a·dạc omạdwäna‘kwä‘tagōn: "Nīn kīgawīdcīwîn tcînạndubạniyạn!"

Ningoding giiwen' mikinaak wiin eta go bezhig. Mii dash gaa-inendang: "Baanimaa ningad-ani-nandawaabamaag ge-wiijiiwagwaa". Mii dash gii-maajaad; Ningoding idash ogii-ani-oditaan wajiwens; mii dash imaa gaa-izhaad ogidaaki, mii dash ezhi-biibaagid: "Awenen ge-wiijiiwag ji-nandobaniyaan?" Awiya dash omadwe-nakwetaagoon: "Niin giga-wiijiiwin ji-nandobaniyan!"

Once on a time they say a Snapping-Turtle (was) all alone. And this was what he thought: "After a while I will go seek for those in whose company I shall go." Thereupon he departed; and by and by he came to a little hill on the way; and when he got to yonder hill-top, he then cried with a loud voice, saying: "With whom shall I go when I set out for war?" Then came the sound of some one's voice answering him: "I will go with you when you go to war!"


"‘Āu, ondās!" udinān. Päcudạc pā·ạ·yānit īni´u ininiwạn, ogạnōnān mi‘kinā‘k: "Ckumān pigagwädcīn käta·i·jīwumbạnän mīgāzoyạng!"

"Aaw, ondaas!" odinaan. Besho dash baa-ayaanid iniw ininiwan, oganoonaan mikinaak: "Shkomaa bi-gagwejiin ge-daa-izhiiwambanen miigaazoyang."

"All right, come hither!" he said to him. And when near by the man was come, to him Snapping-Turtle spoke, saying: "Just you come and show what you would do should we get into a fight!"


Pạgamāgạndac uda‘kunān ‘agu inini. Mīdạc käegā‘t pigagwädcīt. "Hahahu´, hahahu´, hahahu´, hahahu´!" Cīgwa umān pạdạgwicininit īni´u ininiwạn ugīpîminīma·u·gōn ‘igu pạgạmāgạn. "Mēdạc kägat gīnibu, mī‘kinā‘k!"

Bagamaagan dash odakonaan a'aw inini. Mii dash geget bi-gagwejiid. "Hahaho', hahaho', hahaho', hahaho'!" Zhigwa omaa ba-dagwishininid iniw ininiwan ogii-bimi-niima'ogoon i'iw bagamaagan. "Mii dash geget ginibo mikinaak!"

Now, a war-club in his hand the man held. Thereupon truly hither he came, making a show (of what he would do). "Hahahu, hahahu, hahahu, hahaho!" When here the man was come, at (Snapping-Turtle) he came brandishing the club as if to strike him. "And now truly you shall die, Snapping-Turtle!"


Mīdạc kīgusāt. "Intawātci kīwän," udinān, "māgicā kidānisigō mīgāding," udinān.

Mii dash gii-goosad. "Indawaaj giiwen," odinaan, "maagizhaa gid-anisigoo miigaading," odinaan.

At that he became afraid of him. "You had better go back home," he said to him, "lest perhaps you be slain in battle," he said to him.


Mīdạc kī‘kīwäd ‘agu inini kī·ạ·nimādcā dac mī‘kinā‘k; mīnawā ninguding kī·ạ·nia‘kwāmạdciwä wạdciwing. Mīnawā gīpīpāgi: "Awänän gäwīdcīwạgē tcînạndūpạniyān?" Mēdạc mạdwäbībāgiwạn: "Nīnawind!"

Mii dash gii-giiwed a'aw inini gii-ani-maajaa dash mikinaak; miinawaa ningoding gii-ani-akwaamajiwe wajiwing. Miinawaa gii-biibaagi: "Awenen ge-wiijiiwaage ji-nandobaniyaan?" Mii dash madwe-biibaagiwan: "Niinawind!"

And so, when back home went the man, then on his way went Snapping-Turtle; on up another hill he climbed. Again he called with a loud voice: "With whom shall I go when I set out for war?" Whereupon came the sound of voices calling aloud: "With us!"


"Ondās, ondās!" udinān.

"Ondaas, ondaas!" odinaan.

"Hither, hither!" he said to them.


Kīpitạgwicinōgidạc mîskwādäsiwạg nībiwa. Mīdạc änād: "Skomān kạgwätcīyu‘k kädōdamägobạn mīgāsoyạnk!"

Gii-bi-dagwishinoog idash miskwaadesiwag niibiwa. Mii dash enaad: "Skomaa gagwejiiyog ge-doodamegoban miigaazoyang!"

So came the Painted-Turtles, arriving in throngs. And then he said to them: "Just you show what you would do should we get into a fight!"


Mīdac ka‘kina kā·i·ji·o·dci‘tāwād, tibickō asînīg kījināguziwạg.

Mii dash gakina gaa-izhi-ojitaawaad, dibishkoo asiniig gii-izhinaagoziwag.

Thereupon all withdrew into their shells, like stones was their look.


"Ānīc, mīsa´ ogōu käwīdcī·ạ·gwā," i‘kido mi‘kinā‘k.

"Aaniish mii saa ogow ge-wiijii'agwaa," ikido mikinaak.

"Well, it is with these that I will go," said Snapping-Turtle.


Mīdạc kīmādcāwād nạndubạniwād. Ningutingidạc ạninîbāwād tibi‘kạdinig mạdwänạgạmō päejik mîskwādäsi, mīdạc äna·ạ·nk: —

Mii dash gii-maajaawaad nandobaniwaad. Ningoding idash ani-nibaawaad dibikadinig madwe-nagamo bezhig miskwaadesi, mii dash ena'ang: -

Thereupon they set out to go to war. And one night when they were going to sleep, a certain Turtle was heard singing, and thus he sang:—


"Mîcī‘känwā! ōdänāngi kīdā‘tawänigōmin yāaha!

Nīndinā‘pawä yāaha, nīndinā‘pawä yāaha, yāaha!"

Mishiikenwaa! oodenaangi gidaatawenigoomin yaaha!

Nindinaabawe yaaha, nindinaabawe yaaha!"

"O Snapping-Turtle! in a town are we prophesied an evil fate, yaaha!

Such was my dream, yaaha! such was my dream, yaaha, yaaha!"


Mī‘kinā‘kidạc nwāndawād unīckimigōn. Mēdạc kā·i·ji·u·dā‘pinạng umō‘komān kī·i·nōdä i·i·´mān ayānit mīdạc gạgwädcimād: "ānīn ä‘kidoyan?"

Mikinaak idash nwaandawaad onishkimigoon. Mii dash gaa-izhi-odaapinang omookomaan gii-inoode imaa ayaanid mii dash gagwejimaad: "Aaniin ekidoyan?"

And when Snapping-Turtle heard him, he was angered. Thereupon, taking up his knife, he crawled over to where he was, and then asked him: "What did you say?"


"Kā, ūdänāng iīzạn ka‘kina kīnisigōmin nindinābạndạm," i‘kido.

Gaa, oodenaang iizan gakina ginisigoomin nindinaabandam," ikido.

"Why, that in a town we shall probably all be slain, was what I dreamed," he said.


Mēdạc mi‘kinā‘k kā·i·jikīckigwäjwād. Mēdạc minawā kī·ạ·nimādcāwād. A‘pī·i·dạc wädisāwād anicinābä odä‘tōnit, mi‘kinā‘k ogī·i·nāg ka‘kina ucîmagạnīcimag: "Mī·u·mān ayaiyu‘k. Ningạtijā, ningạnadawā‘to." Päejik uwīdcīwan umijinawämạn. Mīdạc ijāwād ayānik wigiwāmạn, päejikidạc cābundawāning kī‘pīndigäwạg nībādîbi‘k. Mēdạc änād uwīdcīwāgạnạn: "Bäbäjik kīckigwäjwādā!" Päpäjikidạc ogīnisāwān ạnicinābän. Ōdayā·u·bīnōmunāwān ustigwānan. Mīdạc kā·i·jikāzowād; mi‘tigwanāgạn a‘tä, imān dạc pīndik mī·i·mā kī‘kāzōwād.

Mii dash mikinaak gaa-izhi-giishkigwezhwaad. Mii dash miinawaa gii-ani-maajaawaad. Apii dash wedisowaad anishinaabe oodetoonid, mikinaak ogii-inaag gakina ozhimaaganishima': Mii omaa ayaayog. Ningad-izhaa, ninga-nadawaatoo." Bezhig owiijiiwaan omizhinaweman. Mii dash izhaawaad ayaanig wiigiwaaman, bezhig idash zhaabondawaaning gii-biindigewag nibaa-dibik. Mii dash enaad owiijiiwaaganan: "Bebezhig giishkigwezhwaadaa!" Bebezhig idash ogii-nisaawaan anishinaaben. Oodayaa'obiinoomonaawaan oshtigwaanan. Mii dash gaa-izhi-gaazowaad; mitigwanaagan ate, imaa biindig mii imaa gii-gaazowaad.

Thereupon Snapping-Turtle cut off his head. And then they continued on their way. And when they came to where some people had a town, Snapping-Turtle said to all his soldiers: "In this place do you remain. I will go thither, I will go to reconnoitre." He went along with one of his attendants. And going over to where there were some wigwams, into a certain long-lodge they entered during the silence of the night. And this he said to his comrade: "Let us each cut off a head!" So each slew a person. They concealed the heads in the bosom of their garments. Thereupon they hid themselves; a wooden bowl was there, and there inside was where they hid themselves.


Kigijäbidạc kīmi‘kawāwạg nīnj kīckigwäwād. "Awägwän kā‘tōdạmogwän," i‘kitōwạg. Mīdạc kā·i·jinạndawābạdcigäwād miziwä ạgwạdcing, kạwin awiya ogīm‘ikawāsiwāwān. Kägạ‘pi kī·i·‘kidōwạg: "Kạnabạtc mi‘kinā‘k ‘agu kā‘tōdạnk." Mēdạc ä‘kidowād: "Kigīwâbạndānāwā na ānawi ‘igu mi‘tigwanāgạn?"

Gigizheb idash gii-mikawaawag niizh giishkigwewaad. "Awegwen gaa-doodamogwen," ikidowag. Mii dash gaa-izhinandawaabanjigewaad miziwe agwajiing, gaawiin awiya ogiimikawaasiwaawaan. Gegaapii gii-ikidowag: "Ganabaj mikinaak a'aw gaa-doodang." Mii dash ekidowaad: "Gigii-waabandaanaawaa na aanawi i'iw mitigwanaagan?"

Now, in the morning there were found two that had their heads cut off. "Somebody must have done it," they said. Thereupon they made a search everywhere out of doors, but they did not find anybody. At length they said: "Maybe it was Snapping-Turtle who did it." Thereupon they said: "You have of course looked at the wooden bowl?"


"Kāwīn," i‘kidowạg.

"Gaawiin," ikidowag.

"No," they said.


ejik idạc ạnicinābä ogīpā‘kinān ‘igu unāgạnic. Mīdạc imānekä‘t ayāwād mi‘kinā‘k kayä au mījinawä. Mi‘kinā‘kidạc kīta‘kunā; awidạc askābäwis kīmādcība·i·wä, kāwīn kītäbibînāsī. "Āwisạ´, nisādā mi‘kinā‘k!"

Bezhig idash anishinaabe ogii-baakinaan i'iw onaaganish. Mii dash imaa geget ayaawaad mikinaak gaye aw mizhinawe. Mikinaak idash gii-dakonaa; aw idash oshkabewis gii-maajiiba'iwe. gaawiin gii-dakinaasii. "Aaw isa, nisaadaa mikinaak!"

So one person uncovered the miserable wooden bowl. And there, sure enough, were Snapping-Turtle and the attendant. Now, Snapping-Turtle was taken captive; but the attendant took to flight, he was not captured. "Now, then, let us kill Snapping-Turtle!"


Mägwā kāgīgitowād kītagwicnōg ki‘tcinībiwa mîskwādäsiwạg. Mēdạc ä‘kidōwād: "Ä‘ä, nạckä kuca mîskwādäsiwạg! Käegätigunā kāwīsinimin!"

Megwaa gaa-giigidowaad gii-dagwishinoog gichi-niibiwa miskwaadesiwag. Mii dash ekidowaad: "E'e nashke gosha miskwaadesiwag! Geget igo naa gga-wiisinimin!"

While they were holding forth in talk, there came up a great host of Painted-Turtles. Whereupon said (the people): "Oh, just look at the Painted-Turtles! Surely, without any doubt now shall we have food to eat!"


Mīdạc mindimoyäyạg umackimodāwān udā‘pinạmowād, kīmonjagināwād. Mīdạc kīkistciwisiniwād mîskwādäsiwạg, mī igu cemāgenijạg.

Mii dash mindimooyenyag omashkimodaawaan odaapinamowaad, gii-mozhaginaawaad. Mii dash gii-gichi-wiisiniwaad miskwaadesiwag, mii igiw zhimaaganishag.

And when the old women picked up their bags, they gathered in (the turtles). Thereupon they had a great feast on the Painted-Turtles, those that had been soldiers.


Mi‘kinā‘k idạc ickudäng wī·a·‘pạginā wīnisind. Mēdạc ä‘kidot: "Kāwīn, nindādcāgizwạg igiu abinōdcīyạg anikibwunāmozoyān."

Mikinaak idash ishkodeng wii-apaginaa wiinisind. Mii dash ekidod: "Gaawiin, nindaajaagizwaag igiw abinoojiiyag ani-gibwonaamozoyaan."

It was proposed that Snapping-Turtle be flung into the fire to be killed. Whereupon he said: "Nay, I might burn up the children while I am smothering in the smoke."


"Ā, kạnạbạtc gäegä‘t," i‘kidowạg. Mīnawā i‘kidowạg: "Indawā kījāgamidänk pạginādā!"

"Aa, ganabaj geget," ikidowag. Miinawaa ikidowag: "Indawaa giizhaagamideng paginaadaa!"

"Why, perhaps (it is) true," they said. Again they said: "Therefore into water that is hot let us fling him!"


"Ā, kāwin!" i‘kido mi‘kinā‘k. "Nindādcāgizwāg abinōdcīyạg."

"Aa, gaawiin!" ikido mikinaak. "Nindaajaagizwaag abinoojiiyag."

"Ah, nay!" said Snapping-Turtle. "I might burn up the children."


"Käegä‘t māwīn," i‘kidowạg. Mīnawạdec kī·i·kidōwag: "Indawā nibī‘kāng pạginādā!"

"Geget maawin," ikidowag. Miinawaa dash gii-ikidowag: "Indawaa nibikaang paginaadaa!"

"True, that might be," they said. And again they said: "Therefore into the water let us fling him!"


"Mī·i·´u tōdawiciyu‘k," i‘kido mi‘kinā‘k. (1)

"Mii iw doodawishiyok," ikido mikinaak.

"That do you to me," said Snapping-Turtle. (1)

(1) It is usual to tell of the snapping-turtle objecting to be thrown into the water.


Mēdạc māmawi kīnawạdināwāt mādcīnāwāt nibī‘kāng, mi‘kinā‘kidạc kīmạmīndcimā‘kwīkāzo pä‘kāgu. A‘pī·i·dạc tägwạcimāwād nibī‘käng ugīpạgināwān, mēdạc imān kī·ạ·ngwundcing ag‘a´u mi‘kinā‘k.

Mii dash maamawi gii-nawadinawaad maajiinaawaad nibikaang, mikinaak idash gii-mamiinjimaakwiikaazo bekaa go. Apii idash degwashimaawaad nibikaang ogii-paginaawaan, mii dash imaa gii-agwonjing a'aw mikinaak.

And when at the same time they all seized him to carry him to the water, Snapping-Turtle pretended to resist by grabbing hold of things, but without (real) effort. And when they were come at the water, they flung him (in), and so there on the water floated Snapping-Turtle.


ejikidạc i‘kwä nibinādit ogīmîsawänimān wi·ạ·mwāt īni´u mi‘kinā‘kwạn. Mi‘tig ogī·o·dā‘pinān mādcigwānāt. Mi‘kinā‘kidạc kāwīn käegä‘t kinibozī. Ugīnîsān ini´u i‘käwạn, ogīkīckigwäjwān, mīdāc ki·a·nimādcīkwaciwät anāmīndîm. Minisābikōngidạc kīmạdwä·ạ·gwā‘tā, mi‘kinā‘k mạdwänạgạmu": —

Bezhig ikwe nibinaadid ogii-misawenimaan wii-amaad iniw mikinaakwan. Mitig ogii-odaapinaan maajigwaanaad. Mikinaak idash gaawiin geget gii-nibosii. Ogii-nisaan iniw ikwewan, ogiishkigwezhwaan, mii dash gii-ani-maajiikwazhiwed anaamiindim. Minisaabikoong idash gii-madwe-agwaataa. mikinaak madwe-nagamo:

Now, a certain woman who went to get some water desired to have Snapping-Turtle to eat, A stick she picked up (with which) to draw him inshore. But Snapping-Turtle was not really dead. He slew the woman, he cut off her head, and at that he swam off into the water below. Out upon a rocky island he could be heard coming forth from the water, Snapping-Turtle was heard singing:—


"Nīnīsa, ninginisā yā·a·wi‘kwä!

Nīnīsa, ninginisā yā·a·wi‘kwäa!

Nīnīsa, ninginisā yā·a·wi‘kwä!"

Niin isa, ningii-nisaa ya'aw ikwe!

Niin isa, ningii-nisaa ya'aw ikwe!

Niin isa, ningii-nisaa ya'aw ikwe!

"It was I, I slew the woman!

It was I, I slew the woman!

It was I, I slew the woman!"


Kīmi‘kawāg ‘agu i‘kwä imān tcīgibīg kīckigwät. Mī·i·dạc nīgigwạn kā·i·ji·ạ·nōnāwād tcîgōgīnit tci·a·winisāt mi‘kinā‘kwạn. Nīgīgidạc kī‘pāpi: "An, an, an, an!" Mēdạc kīpa‘kubīt au nīgīg. Mi‘kinā‘k idạc ogīwâbạmān pîgōgīnit nīgīgwạn, mi‘kinā‘k idạc ogī·a·wi·a·‘kạmawān. A‘pī·i·dạc pạmicạgāmäkwajiwät nīgik mi‘‘kinā‘kwạn ogīta‘kwạmigōn wītạgạyānk. Mīdạc īgu´ iu käyābi äjināguzit ‘agu nīgik. Kīmạdwäsāgibīt ‘agu nīgik mạdwäi‘kido: "An, an, an, an, ninda‘kwạmig nindạgayānk!"

Gii-mikawaag a'aw ikwe imaa jiigibiig giishkigwed. Mii idash nigigwan gaa-izhi-anoonaawaad ji-googiinid ji-awi-nisaad mikinaakwan. Nigig idash gii-baapi: "An, an, an, an!" Mii dash gii-bakobiid aw nigig. Mikinaak idash ogii-waabamaan bi-googiinid nigigwan, mikinaak idash ogii-awi-akamawaan. Apii idash ba-mizhagaamekwazhiwed nigig mikinaakwan ogii-dakwamigoon wiitagayaang. Mii dash igo iw geyaabi ezhinaagozid a'aw nigig. Gii-madwesaagibiid a'aw nigig madwe-ikido: "An, an, an, an, nindakwamig nindagayaang.

The woman was found down by the edge of the water with her head cut off. And so it was Otter they employed to dive into the water to go slay Snapping-Turtle. And Otter laughed: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Thereupon into the water dived Otter. Now, Snapping-Turtle saw Otter coming hitherward under the water, and Snapping-Turtle went to intercept him. And when close inshore Otter was swimming, then by Snapping-Turtle was he bitten at the penis. And that is the way Otter still looks. When out from the water into view came Otter, he could be heard saying: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, I am bitten at the penis!"


"Pạgitạm!" udināwān idạc īni´u mi‘kinā‘kwạn.

"Bagidam!" odinaawaan idash iniw mikinaakwan.

"Let it go!" they then said to Snapping-Turtle.


"Pānimā kistci·a·nimi‘kī‘kāg ningạbạgidạmā."

"Baanimaa idash gichi-animikikaag ninga-bagidamaa."

"Not till a great thunder-storm comes up will I let go my hold from him there."


Pānimā idạc kästci·ạ·nimi‘kī‘kānig ugīpạgidạmigōn īni´u mi‘kinā‘kwạn. Mēdạc nīgik gī‘kīwät ändāt. Kînwänj ogī·ā·‘kuzin wītạgai. Mēdạc ä‘kidot: "Nīnîmōk kạckigwātạmowād imān kīta‘kwạmit au mi‘kinā‘k mā·i·´u tcinōdcîmoyān."

Baanimaa idash gechi-animikikaanig ogii-bagidamigoon iniw mikinaakwan. Mii dash nigig gii-giiwed endaad. Ginwenzh ogii-aakozin wiitagay. Mii dash ekidod: "Niinimoog gashkigwaadamowaad imaa gii-dakwamid aw mikinaak maa iw ji-noojimoyaan."

And not till after a great thunder-storm came up was he set free by Snapping-Turtle. Thereupon Otter went back to his home. A long while was his penis impaired. And so he said: "If my sisters-in-law would sew up the place where I was bitten by Snapping-Turtle, then I should be healed."


egä‘tidạc wīnimōg ogīkaskigwānigōn ‘igi´mān wītagayāng. Mī·i·´u kīnōdcimut.

Geget idash wiinimoo' ogii-gashkigwaanigoon i'iw maa wiitagayaang. Mii iw gii-noojimod.

And to be sure, by his sisters-in-law was he sewed up at his penis. Accordingly he began to recover.


Mi‘kinā‘kidạcwīn, kī·ạ·nimādcā, kī·ạ·nikīwät. Kā·i·jitagwicing dạc ändāt, ogīwābandān pinäwidis kī·ạ·gōdänik.

Mikinaak idash wiin, gii-ani-maajaa, gii-ani-giiwed. Gaa-izhi-dagwishing dash endaad, ogii-waabandaan binewidis gii-agoodenig.

And as for Snapping-Turtle, he went away; on his way back home he went. And when he arrived at home, he saw the gizzard of a ruffed grouse hanging aloft.


Mīsai ä‘kōsit.

Mii sa ekoozid.

And that is the end (of the story).