
  1. Haocong Song, and Wen Wu. "Hankel determinants of a Sturmian sequence". In: AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 4233-4265. arXiv , Journal

  2. Xiao-Tao Lü, Jin Chen, Zhi-Xiong Wen and Wen Wu. "On the 2-binomial complexity of the generalized Thue-Morse words", 18 pages (2021). Submitted. arXiv.

  3. Ying-Jun Guo, Guo-Niu Han, and Wen Wu. “Criteria for apwenian sequences”. In: Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 389, 2021, 107899. arXiv, Journal

  4. Yanxi Li, and Wen Wu. "Self-similarity of P-positions of (2n+1)-dimensional Wythoff's game". In: Fractals, Vol. 29, No. 03, 2150061 (2021). arXiv, Journal

  5. Changhao Chen, Meng Wu, and Wen Wu. “Accessible values of Assouad and the lower dimensions of subsets”. In: Real Analysis Exchange 45.1 (2020), pp. 85-100. arXiv, Journal

  6. Xiaotao Lü, Jin Chen, Zhixiong Wen, and Wen Wu. “Limit Behaviour of the Quasi-Linear Discrete Functions”. In: Fractals, Vol. 28, No. 03 (2020), 2050041. Journal

  7. Wen Wu. “Stieltjes continued fractions related to the Paperfolding sequence and Rudin- Shapiro sequence”. In: Advances in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 118 (2020), 102040. arXiv, Journal

  8. Jean-Paul Allouche, Jeffrey Shallit, Zhixiong Wen, Wen Wu, and Jiemeng Zhang. “Sum-free sets generated by the period-k-folding sequences and some Sturmian sequences”. In: Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343, Issue 9 (2020), 111958. arXiv, Journal

  9. Yuanyang Chang, Min Wu, and Wen Wu. “Quantitative recurrence properties and homogeneous self-similar sets”. In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 147 (2019), pp. 1453–1465. arXiv, Journal.

  10. Jin Chen, Zhixiong Wen, and Wen Wu. “On the additive complexity of a Thue-Morse like sequence”. In: Discrete Applied Mathematics 260 (2019), pp. 98–108. arXiv, Journal

  11. Keijo Väänänen and Wen Wu. “On simultaneous approximation of the values of certain Mahler functions”. In: Mathematische Zeitschrift 292 (2019), pp. 1157–1174. arXiv, Journal

  12. Jin Chen, Xiaotao Lü, and Wen Wu. “On the k-abelian complexity of the Cantor sequence”. In: Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 155 (2018), pp. 287–303. arXiv, Journal

  13. Keijo Väänänen and Wen Wu. “On linear independence measures of the values of Mahler functions”. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics. 148 (6) (2018), pp. 1297–1311. arXiv, Journal

  14. Esa Järvenpää, Maarit Järvenpää, Meng Wu, and Wen Wu. “Random affine code tree fractals: Hausdorff and affinity dimensions and pressure”. In: Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 162.2 (2017), pp. 367–382. arXiv, Journal

  15. Xiaotao Lü, Jin Chen, Zhixiong Wen, and Wen Wu. “On the abelian complexity of the Rudin–Shapiro sequence”. In: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 451.2 (2017), pp. 822–838. arXiv, Journal

  16. Lifeng Xi, Wen Wu, and Ying Xiong. “Dimension of Slices Through Fractals with Initial Cubic Pattern”. In: Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 38.5 (2017), pp. 1145–1178. Journal

  17. Jiemeng Zhang, Zhixiong Wen, and Wen Wu. “Some properties of the Fibonacci sequence on an infinite alphabet”. In: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24.2 (2017), P2.52. Journal

  18. Guo-Niu Han and Wen Wu. “Explicit evaluations of the Hankel determinants of a Thue– Morse-like sequence”. In: International Journal of Number Theory 11.6 (2015), pp. 1887– 1904. arXiv, Journal

  19. Zhi-Xiong Wen, Jie-Meng Zhang, and Wen Wu. “On the regular sum-free sets”. In: European Journal of Combinatorics 49 (2015), pp. 42–56. arXiv, Journal

  20. Ying-Jun Guo, Zhi-Xiong Wen, and Wen Wu. “On the irrationality exponent of the regular paperfolding numbers”. In: Linear Algebra and its Applications 446 (2014), pp. 237–264. arXiv, Journal

  21. 文志雄 & 武文. “Cantor 序列的 Hankel 行列式”. In: 中国科学:B 辑 44.10 (2014), pp. 1059– 1072. arXiv

  22. Zhi-Xiong Wen, Wen Wu, and Li-Feng Xi. “Dimension of slices through a self-similar set with initial cubic pattern”. In: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 38.2 (2013), pp. 473–487. Journal

  23. Wen Wu and Li-Feng Xi. “Dimensions of slices through a class of generalized Sierpinski sponges”. In: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 399.2 (2013), pp. 514–523. Journal