How Do I Join Key Club?

To join Key Club, please fill out this form. You are required to pay the Key Club fee. Instructions on how to do so are explained in the form.

How Do I Request Key Club Volunteers for My Event?

Please fill out this form. If this doesn't fit the needs of your organization, please email us at keyclubwellesley@gmail.com 

How many hours do I need to be inducted to Key Club?

We require 30 hours in total to be inducted. 15 hours MINIMUM must be inside hours, meaning you sign up for them through WHS Key Club. The other 15 can be outside hours, which are classified as any outside community service––but you cannot exceed the MAXIMUM of 15 outside hours. Additionally, no more than 5 of your 15 inside hours can be counted as donation hours. 

I lost my hours sheet. What should I do?

If you have lost your hours sheet, please print out a new one here and fill in the hours that you have completed. 

I can’t make it to an event I signed up for. What do I do?

If you are unable to attend an event you signed up for, you must follow these steps:

If you do not show up to events without contacting the event coordinator or a Key Club officer, you may not be able to participate in future volunteering.

How many hours can I receive for donated items?

You can receive up to 5 hours for donated items. Donated items include baked goods for town meeting and drives. These count for inside hours.

What are inside and outside hours?

Inside hours are hours that you sign up for through Wellesley High School Key Club. You need at least 15 hours out of the 30 hour minimum to be inside hours. Outside hours are community service hour opportunities provided outside of WHS Key Club. The maximum hour limit for outside hours is 15 out of the required 30.

Do I need proof that I volunteered at an event?

Key Club now operates under an honor system for hours. By signing your hours sheet, you affirm that you truthfully completed the volunteering you recorded. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action and removal from the club.

Where can I pay the club fees?

This year, all of the payment information is online, through the Wellesley High School website. We are no longer accepting checks. You can find instructions on how to pay in the signup form here.