Drysdale Scholarship Winners

2024: Austin Tobin

Austin was born and raised in Randolph and a graduate of Randolph Union  High School. Austin has played the  saxophone since 5th grade, and has been in the High School band. He has become passionate about the guitar, which he has been studying for the past 3 years. 

Austin has achieved a Black Belt in Taekwondo, and understands how exercise helps create inner balance.   As often happens, people with musical talent often excel in math and logic – Austin has a knack for computer programming which may become his college major.  

He works at The Underground in Randolph, setting up the sound system for various performers and plans to use his talents to provide special gifts for his family. 

Photo coming! 

2023: Grace Collins

Grace is a graduate of the WRVSU High School, currently attending Skidmore College. 

More about Grace to come!