Example numbering in Word

You want to number example sentences. You want them to stay in sequence properly when you add a new example. And you want to be able to cross-reference those numbers in the text, so that you can write: "As we see in sentence (93), the ingressive suffix follows the tense marker." You want it to update properly, when the numbers are updated. And, while we're at it, you also want to be able to cross-reference section numbers, numbering for Tables, and so on-- and again, you want it to update properly if you add a section, Table, etc. Yes, you can do all that in Word. Here's how. These instructions are for Word 2008 for Mac; the menus might be different for other versions.

Numbering and updating:

1. Pull-down menus: Insert > Field. In the dialog box, select "Numbering" from the left list, and "Seq" from the right list. You will see "SEQ" appear in the little text box. Add some identifier, like "EX" for 'example', so it's now [SEQ EX].

2. Press OK. A number appears on your document.

3. Do a few of these. I find it quickest to do one and then copy and paste it. Now add a number at the top. They are no longer in order. You need to "Update Field". Here's how you do it. Select the entire document, using command-A. Then control-click on the selected text. A little dialog box appears. Select "Update Field". VoilĂ .

Cross-referencing in the text:

4. Highlight an example number. Pull-down menus: Insert > Bookmark. Type in a name, and press Add.

5. To refer to the number within the text: Pull-down menus: Insert > Cross-reference. Dialog box: Reference type: Bookmark. You see a list of the Bookmark names you have created. Pick the right one, and click Insert.

Numbering and cross-referencing other stuff like Tables, Figures, etc.:

I think you have the idea now. For cross-referencing headings like "Section 2.3.4", do step 5 Insert > Cross-reference but select Reference type:Heading. It allows you to insert just the Heading number, the page number, the title, etc. For Tables, Figures, or anything else: do step 1, but create a new sequence list like [SEQ TABLES].