Publications & Preprints

Visualization of 4D spaces and virtual reality.

    Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH Asia 2019, Brisbane, Australia (2019). See also a YouTube video.

Hénon maps, Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2.

   Work in progress (2024).

   Preprint (2024).

   To appear in Ergodic Theory & Dynam. Systems (2024). 

   SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 17, no. 3, pp. 2234-2248 (2018). 

   Commun. Math. Phys. 361, no. 2, pp. 343-414 (2018).

   Arnold Math. J. 3, no. 1, pp. 119-173 (2017). A special issue dedicated to the XXV anniversary of the IMS at Stony Brook.

   Adv. Math. 255, no. 1, pp. 242-304 (2014).

   Amer. J. Math. 132, no. 4, pp. 987-1029 (2010).

   Adv. Math. 220, no. 4, pp. 985-1022 (2009). Corrigendum: Adv. Math. 226, no. 4, pp. 3850-3855 (2011).

   Adv. Math. 218, no. 2, pp. 417-464 (2008).

Lozi maps, Piecewise affine/projective maps.

   Work in progress (2024).

   Nonlinearity 20, no. 12, 2755-2772 (2007). Erratum (printing mistakes by publisher): Nonlinearity 21, no. 6, pp. 1411 (2008).

   Commun. Math. Phys. 198, no. 2, pp. 397-406 (1998).

   Commun. Math. Phys. 190, no. 2, pp. 375-394 (1997).

   Nonlinearity 10, no. 3, pp. 731-747 (1997). 

Fractal geometry and symbolic dynamics.

       Work in progress (2024).

   J. Fractal Geom. 9, no. 1, pp. 171-192 (2022).

   Ergodic Theory & Dynam. Systems 40, no. 1, pp. 213-220 (2020).

   J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, no. 45, 14043-14046 (2006).

Physics-related dynamics, quantum tunneling.

   J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, article number 265102 (34pp), (2009). 

   J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, article number 265101 (26pp), (2009).

   Europhys. Lett. 81, no. 5, 50003 (2008).

   J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35, no. 17, L225-L231 (2002).

   Unpublished manuscript (1999).

Survey articles, lists of open problems, etc.

   Submitted (2024). This paper contains an original result by M. Asaoka in Appendix.

    To appear in Arnold Math. J. (2024).

   Proceedings of the workshop "Problems on complex geometry", RIMS Kokyuroku 2211 (2022).

Suugaku Tsuushin 27, no. 3, pp. 49-54 (2022).

   Mathematical Reviews (2011). The content includes some useful remarks by E. Bedford and R. Dujardin.

   Notes for a lecture in an annual meeting of the Mathematical Society of Japan (2008).

   Suuri Kagaku (2003).

   Notes for lectures at Ryukoku University (2002).

   Suuri Kagaku (2002).

   Kyoto University RIMS Kokyuroku, No. 1042, pp. 193-220 (1998).


   Kyoritsu Publisher.