
My areas of interest in complex algebraic geometry are: Fano, Calabi-Yau and hyper-Kähler varieties, representation theory and actions of algebraic groups, vector bundles, degeneracy loci, equivariant and quantum cohomology


The Coble quadric, with Michele Bolognesi, Daniele Faenzi, Laurent Manivel, 2023, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, DOI:, previous version at arXiv:2307.05993

Rationality of Peskine varieties, with Daniele Faenzi, 2022, Mathematische Zeitschrift, previous version arXiv:2211.16129

Codimension one foliations on homogeneous varieties, with Daniele Faenzi, Alan Muniz, 2022, to appear in Advances of Mathematics, previous version arXiv:2209.064872

Discriminants of Theta-Representations, with Laurent Manivel, 2022, to appear in Annali SNS, previous version arXiv:2204.020202.00255

On the automorphisms of hyperplane sections of generalized Grassmannians, with Laurent Manivel, 2022, Transformation Groups,  DOI: 10.1007/s00031-022-09757-1, previous version arXiv:2110.00255

Projective manifolds whose tangent bundle is Ulrich, with Pedro Montero, Yulieth Prieto-Montanez and Sergio Troncoso, 2021, to appear in Journal of Algebra, previous version arXiv:2108.13944

The small quantum cohomology of the Cayley Grassmannian, with Laurent Manivel, 2019, International Journal of Mathematics, DOI: 10.1142/50129167X20500196, previous version arXiv:1907.07511

The geometry of the Coble cubic and orbital degeneracy loci, with Laurent Manivel, Fabio Tanturri, 2019, Math. Ann., DOI: 10.1007/s00208-019-01949-7, previous version arXiv:1904.10848

Bisymplectic Grassmannians of planes, 2018, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, previous version arXiv:1809.10902

Orbital degeneracy loci II: Gorenstein orbits, with Sara Angela Filippini, Laurent Manivel, Fabio Tanturri, 2018, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rny272, previous version arXiv:1802.08430

Orbital degeneracy loci and applications, with Sara Angela Filippini, Laurent Manivel, Fabio Tanturri, 2017, to appear in Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), DOI: 10.2422/2036-2145.201804_016, previous version arXiv:1704.01436

Manifolds of low dimension with trivial canonical bundle in Grassmannians, 2017, Mathematische Zeitschrift, DOI: 10.1007/s00209-017-2017-6, previous version arXiv:1609.02695

On a conjecture on aCM and Ulrich sheaves on degeneracy loci, with Fabio Tanturri, 2024, arXiv:2403.04339

Quantum K-theory of IG(2,2n), with Nicolas Perrin, Weihong Xu, 2024, arXiv:2402.12003

Logarithmic Derivations of Adjoint Discriminants, with Daniele Faenzi, Simone Marchesi, 2023, arXiv:2312.13656

Hecke cycles on moduli of vector bundles and orbital degeneracy loci, with Michele Bolognesi, Daniele Faenzi, Laurent Manivel, 2023, arXiv:2310.06482

Derived category of the spinor 15-fold, with Daniele Faenzi, Maxim Smirnov, 2023, arXiv:2310.01090

Cohomology of hyperplane sections of (co)adjoint varieties, with Nicolas Perrin, 2022, arXiv:2207.020892

Divisors in the moduli space of Debarre-Voisin varieties, with Jieao Song, 2021, arXiv:2106.06859

Crepant resolutions of orbit closures in Quiver representations of type An and D4, 2017, arXiv:1711.10863

Organized Conferences

 CIMPA school: Bridgeland Stability and Applications, Florianópolis, august 2025

Rencontre thématique ANR FANOHK, Dijon, january 2022 

Conference:  Explicit Algebraic Geometry, Bedlewo, april 2023 

Organized Conferences

 CIMPA school: Bridgeland Stability and Applications, Florianópolis, august 2025

Rencontre thématique ANR FANOHK, Dijon, january 2022 

Conference:  Explicit Algebraic Geometry, Bedlewo, april 2023 

Conferences (invited speaker)

Fano&HK in Genova, Genova, january 2024

Geometric representation theory and quantum topology, Paris, december 2022

IV Congresso Brasileiro de Jovens Pesquisadores em Matemàtica, Joao Pessoa, october 2022

10th Swiss-French conference in Algebraic Geometry, september, 2021

Conference on algebraic groups and representation theory, Nancy, february 2020

Workshop on birational geometry, Moscow, october 2018

Tropical Geometry in Europe, University of Toulouse, july 2018

GAGC at CIRM, Marseille, december 2017

Short talk at "Group actions on algebraic varieties", CIMPA, Lima, september 2017

GAeL XXV, Bath, june 2017