Severance, C. 2015. John Resig: Building JQuery. Computer, 48(5), 7-8. (ncsu)
To shorten the number of lines needed to do basic stuff like: selecting an element, hiding content, etc.
To abstract away the different implementations of js in different browsers.
General information
One of many js libraries
Others: yahoo user interface library (YUI), Dojo, Mootools...
Widely used
Large community
Plug-ins (extensions) to improve jquery functionality
Official http://docs.jquery.com/
Connecting it to your site/program
Hosted elsewhere (CDN)
By Google, MS, jQuery.org....
Goods and bads
Can't work without internet
Saves your server some time
Likely cached already in client browser
Just reference one of these hosts in your header, e.g.:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
Locally hosted
Goods and bads
Works when internet down
Your server does a bit of extra work
Download jquery at http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery.
Uncompressed lets you see source: good for learning but not in practice
Reference it in header, e.g.:
<script src="js/jquery-1.6.3.min.js"></script>
Making sure that the page (DOM) is completely available:
Use the $(document).ready() function, which executes passed code after the page download is done.
Make sure to connect to jquery before you reference any of its code
Make sure to complete any CSS styles referenced by your jquery, before that referencing jquery
Selecting page elements
The jquery object lets you use CSS selectors, e.g.
$('#banner') selects the element with the ID banner
$('a') selects all the a elements
$('.submenu') selects all the elements with class submenu
Also, descendent, child, adjacent, and attribute selectors exist
Many of these will return sets of elements. You can filter these
$('.striped tr:even') selects the even elements of the tables with class striped
$('p:first) selects only the first p element
$('p:last) only the last
$(a:not(.navButton)' a elements that aren't in the navButton class
has(): contains another selector
contains(): has certain text
Doing stuff with selected elements
Automatic looping: any method you apply to a returned list of selected elements is applied to all of them
Chaining: rather than several lines of code, you can append several methods, e.g.
You can line break between these if you like
This is faster than doing multiple queries
Getting and replacing content
html: gets and sets html inside the selected elements
text: gets and sets the text (no tags)
append & prepend
before & after: just before (outside) or after the selected elements
Working with tag attributes
addClass, removeClass
toggleClass: remove if there, add if not
attr(): gets or sets a tag attribute
e.g. var myUrl = $("#myID").attr("href");
Working with CSS properties
css: gets and sets current CSS property value, e.g.
css('font-size', '200%');
Doing stuff on each item in a list
Use the each() function
Pass an anonymous function to it (function object)
$('.myclass').each(function() { /* js code */ } );
To refer to the current list item, use $(this)
$('.myclass').each(function() { $(this).html('<p>my text</p>'); } );
Note that while this also works, it refers to dom elements, not jquery elements, on which all the jquery magic works.
Handling events in jquery
Event types
Mouse events: click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown, mouseover, mouseout, movemove
hover: combines mouseover and mouseout
toggle: pairs click events for toggling
Document/window events
load: when the page is done loading
Note that loading may continue long after the page is displayed, so it may not seem very responsive
resize, scroll
unload: when you leave the page
Use this to clean up when leaving page
Form events
submit: when the form is submitted
reset: return to default form settings
change: some fields notify when the user changes them, e.g. radio buttons
focus: whenever a new field gains focus
blur: "anti-focus" - when you leave a field to focus on another
Keyboard events: keydown, keyup, keypress
Handling events
IE8 and less handle events non-standard, so jQuery a big help here.
Basic jquery programming pdgm
select some elements
Here, you decide which element's events you're worried about
assign an event
E.g. $('.myclass').mouseover(); generates events whenever viewer mouses over your myclass elements.
pass a function
E.g. $('.myclass').mouseover(myMouseoverFunc); calls previously defined function myMouseoverFunc whenever user mouses over a myclass element.
You can also pass an anonymous function
Event information object
Is available in a returned object
Access it by including a parameter when you pass a function to an event
e.g. myMouseoverFunc(evtInfo)
pageX,pageY: browser relative mouse coordinates
screenX,screenY: monitor relative mouse coordinates
shiftKey: if shift is pressed
which: code indicating which key pressed
target: which element generated the event
data: information passed to the event handler
Controlling the default event behavior
E.g., whether or not to follow a link
To prevent
Call preventDefault() on event information object
Or, return false in event handling function
Unassigning an event
On element, call unbind('event type');
e.g. $('a').unbind('mouseover');
Keeping events local (stopping "event bubbling")
Events are also passed to dom ancestors
To stop this, call stopPropogation() on the event information object
Bind: handling multiple events with one function and passing data to that function
e.g. $('.myclass').bind('click',myInfo,myEvtHandler);
myInfo is a js object with lots of properties in it
Improving event responsiveness on page load
You need to wait until page loads to ensure dom is there before your code runs
But waiting for the load event can be confusing:
User sees page without js while page loads
Page finishes loading, suddenly js changes everything
Put your code inside $(document).ready() instead
Animations and effects
To hide and show a jquery selection: hide(), show(), toggle()
To fade in and out: fadeIn(), fadeOut(), fadeToggle(), fadeTo()
fadeTo fades to a specific opacity. Fading to 0 doesn't free the element's space.
To slide in and out: slideDown(), slideUp(), slideToggle()
Down appears from top, Up disappears from bottom
How effects happen
Speed of effect: pass a speed parameter
'fast', 'normal', 'slow'
or a number of msecs
Easing, or change in velocity of the effect
Pass as second parameter
'swing' is the default: slower at beginning and end
'linear': no easing, that is no change in velocity
other non-standard effects possible with Easing plugin (e.g., bounce)
Note that when an element disappears, it is still in the DOM
You can animate the properties of an element over time
To do this, call animate(), and pass
The CSS properties you wish to end up on
absolute: e.g., {left: '100px'} will move to 100 pixels from page left
relative: e.g., {left: '+=100px'} will move 100 pixels from current position
The time over which you want to animate
e.g., 1000 is 1000 msec or 1sec.
Easing parameter
Note you need the jquery Color plugin to animate color
You can execute code on effect or animation completion by passing a callback
Usually the last parameter of the effect/animation
This is one good way to run effects/animations in sequence rather than in parallel