
Appendices overview:

  • Appendix A—No Need to Swap Buffers in WebGL

    • This appendix explains why WebGL programs don’t need to swap buffers. There are no examples in this appendix

  • Appendix B—Built-In Functions of GLSL ES 1.0

    • This appendix provides a reference for all the built-in functions available in the OpenGL ES Shading Language. There are no examples in this appendix

  • Appendix C—Projection Matrices

    • This appendix provides the projection matrices generated by Matrix4.setOrtho() and Matrix4.setPerspective(). There are no examples in this appendix

  • Appendix D—WebGL/OpenGL: Left or Right Handed?

  • Appendix E—The Inverse Transpose Matrix

    • This appendix explains how the inverse transpose matrix of the model matrix can deal with the transformation of normal vectors. There are no examples in this appendix

  • Appendix F—Loading Shader Programs from Files

  • Appendix G—World Coordinate System Versus Local Coordinate System

    • This appendix explains the different coordinate systems and how they are used in 3D graphics. There are no examples in this appendix

  • Appendix H—Web Browser Settings for WebGL

    • This appendix explains how to use advanced web browser settings to ensure that WebGL is displayed correctly, and what to do if it isn’t. There are no examples in this appendix