
★Erlangシェル erlコマンド

$ erl

Erlang R14B04 (erts-5.8.5) [source] [64-bit] [rq:1] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.8.5 (abort with ^G)

1> help().

** shell internal commands **

b() -- display all variable bindings

e(N) -- repeat the expression in query <N>

f() -- forget all variable bindings

f(X) -- forget the binding of variable X

h() -- history

history(N) -- set how many previous commands to keep

results(N) -- set how many previous command results to keep

catch_exception(B) -- how exceptions are handled

v(N) -- use the value of query <N>

rd(R,D) -- define a record

rf() -- remove all record information

rf(R) -- remove record information about R

rl() -- display all record information

rl(R) -- display record information about R

rp(Term) -- display Term using the shell's record information

rr(File) -- read record information from File (wildcards allowed)

rr(F,R) -- read selected record information from file(s)

rr(F,R,O) -- read selected record information with options

** commands in module c **

bt(Pid) -- stack backtrace for a process

c(File) -- compile and load code in <File>

cd(Dir) -- change working directory

flush() -- flush any messages sent to the shell

help() -- help info

i() -- information about the system

ni() -- information about the networked system

i(X,Y,Z) -- information about pid <X,Y,Z>

l(Module) -- load or reload module

lc([File]) -- compile a list of Erlang modules

ls() -- list files in the current directory

ls(Dir) -- list files in directory <Dir>

m() -- which modules are loaded

m(Mod) -- information about module <Mod>

memory() -- memory allocation information

memory(T) -- memory allocation information of type <T>

nc(File) -- compile and load code in <File> on all nodes

nl(Module) -- load module on all nodes

pid(X,Y,Z) -- convert X,Y,Z to a Pid

pwd() -- print working directory

q() -- quit - shorthand for init:stop()

regs() -- information about registered processes

nregs() -- information about all registered processes

xm(M) -- cross reference check a module

y(File) -- generate a Yecc parser

** commands in module i (interpreter interface) **

ih() -- print help for the i module



> code:get_path().


> code:all_loaded().


> init:get_argument(home).


test.erl モジュール名.erl



start() -> "Test".

モジュール名 Javaのクラス名に相当

ファンクション名 Javaのメソッド名に相当

-export([function_name/N]) N:引数の数

> c(test). コンパイル:erlファイル ⇒ beamファイル

> test:start(). 実行




>Name = {name, andy}.


>Person = {Name, {age, 28}}.


>{{name, A}, {age, B}} = Person.






>element(3,{aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd}). 要素のインデックスは1から始まる





case Result of % ResultはTuple型

{ok, Message} -> save(Message);

{ng, ErrorMessage} -> log(ErrorMessage)



>Person = [{name, andy}, {age, 28}, {address, tokyo}].


>[Info1|Info2] = Person.






>NewPerson = [{tall, 180}|Person].


>[72,101,108,108,111]. ASCII 文字の値のリスト


>[$H,$e,$l,$l,$o]. $Character表記






>[[1,2]|[2,3]]. ネストされたリスト


>[1,2] ++ [3,4].




outer(Number) . ->

case Number of

0 -> 1;

_ -> % Javaでswitchのdefaultに相当

Temp = 10 * Number,

Temp + 1



outer(0) . -> 1;

outer(Number) . ->

Temp = 10 * Number,

Temp + 1. % returnが不要


apply( outer, [ 5 ])

true = test() Javaで単体テストassertXXXに相当


outer(Number) . ->

Inner = fun(A, B) -> A + B + Number end,

Inner(2, 3).

outer(Number) . ->

Inner = fun(0) -> 0;

(A) -> A * 10 + Number end,



Inner = fun outer / 1

Inner = list_to_atom("outer")

Inner = list_to_existing_atom("outer")

outerが定義済の場合、Inner = outer Function

outerが未定義の場合、Inner = outer Atom