Digital Payment


1. Access the PayPal Secure Payment website by clicking the button above.

2. Type in the money you'd like to pay (ALL camp fees—except for Summer Camp—are now $10 for BOTH Scouts AND adults).

3. Click "Next", and then sign in if you already have a PayPal account. If not, click "Sign Up" to create one.

4. Continue with the instructions following.

5. BEFORE MAKING THE PAYMENT, confirm the payment amount, and then in the "Add Notes" section below, fill in the following information (as necessary):

    • First and Last Name of Scout(s) and Adult(s) attending

    • Name of Campout, Outing, Event, or other identifier(s)

6. Make sure you select the "Pay as a Friend" option to avoid PayPal fees!

7. Click "Send Payment Now", and REMEMBER TO SEND YOUR RECEIPT TO Mrs. Bilwa Patki (